Chapter 1

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(This is Anne at the top/to the side)

Jordan's Pov

"Tom! Troye! Stop with the PDA and get your butts over here to make your guy's tent!" I shout as Tom and Troye are in the middle of a make-out session.

I wish I could be doing that with Andor. Jordan stop! It's been several months. You are torturing yourself. Just make the goddamn tent.

I sigh and continue trying to make my tent. Tucker and Sonja got theirs finished. So did Martha and Steve. Ianite and Dianite decided not to come. They assured us they will be watching for any danger though. Dianite has really become friendlier recently. I think he has someone on his eye.

"Do you need help, Sparklez" Anne (Pronounced An just in case you thought it was pronounced An) asked me.

"Yes!" I suck at making tents. "Go ahead and take a rest. Enjoy some Apple Juice. I will make your tent. I can make my sleeping arrangements later." Anne told me.

I am going to protest, but Anne stops me. She shoves an Apple Juice juice box in my hand. "I am going to do this. Clearly you have no idea what you're doing."

"What makes you say that?" I try to defend myself even though we both know she is right.

"I watched for 20 minutes. Now sit down and take advantage of doing nothing." Anne goes to work on the tent again.

I pull over a lawn chair and put on my shades. "How did you get so lucky, Sparklez?!" Tom shouts as he and Troye try to make their tent.

I sip my Apple Juice. "I am just that amazing."

"You really are a Sparkly dick! Just minus the Sparklez!" Tom laughs. I laugh as well and rest my eyes.

"He is coming soon. Keep watch."

My eyes shoot open and I turn to see who said that. No one is behind me. I feel a breeze and hear the voice again.

"Stay alert."

Ianite. She was communicating through the breeze. I wonder if she was talking about Andor. My heart speeds up with hope. Maybe.

"Jardon! Come on. We are going fishing." Sonja shouts and tosses me a fishing pole.

We all walk to the lake and I watch Anne. Her and her mother, Cathryn, arrived a few weeks after Andor leaving. Anne and I became close- not like romantically, but like siblings. She has brunette colored hair and brown eyes. I found out that Anne is an Ianite follower and Cathryn is a Dianite follower. They don't get along very well, even if Dianite and Ianite do.

"BRING ME THE PRISONER!" Tom shouts. Tucker gives Tom a worm covered in dirt. "You are to be executed, you are found guilty for sleeping with the king worm's wife. Die!" Tom puts the worm on the hook and swings his fishing pole back, then launches the line into the water. "Dirty worm." Tom snickers.

"Um okay. That's one way to start our fishing trip." I say as I wrap a worm along the hook. "Ow!" My tip of my finger hits the hook's sharp edge. "I am going to die!" I hold my finger and run around like I did when the "Drug Incident" took place. Anne rolls her eyes and spits on my finger, which is hardly bleeding. I stop in my tracks.

"Did you really just?"

Anne nods with a grin.

I look at my finger and see Anne's spit and a tiny sliver of blood running down it. Sonja hands me a napkin and a band-aide.

"Thank you." I tell her and stuff the napkin and band-aide wrapper in my pocket until I can throw them away.

I go and pick up my fishing pole again. "You are such a dramatic." Troye laughs. "Me or Tom?" I ask, throwing my line in the water.

"Yes." Troye replies.

Everyone laughs and continues fishing.

After about 2 1/2 minutes of fishing, Tucker starts complaining.

"I haven't caught a fish yet!"

"You have to wait for the fish. They do most of the work; they are just hungry. They will take the bait when they see it." Sonja tries to get Tucker to not complain anymore. His complaining is worse than Tom and Troye being all cute together.

"I am reeling in my line.... The bait is gone!" Tucker pouts.

Sonja tells him to go set up more for camp so he can stop complaining.

"I will go with." I take my line out of the water and leave with Tucker.

*Walking Time Skip*

"So how are you holding up?"

I mumble a "good" and start setting up our picnic table. Tucker sets up the fire.

During us getting everything set up, Tucker kept asking me questions and it was getting on my nerves.

"I am going to my tent." I grit through my teeth while everyone was eating dinner. I just needed a break from everyone, even if it defeated the purpose of the trip.

I take off my shoes, zip the tent open, step inside, and zip it shut. I then go to my air mattress and plop on it.

"Goodnight world." I whisper and fall into a deep sleep.

"Andor no!" I laugh uncontrollably. Andor tickles me until I can't breathe. "Say it Jordan! Say it!" Andor grins evilly. "Never!" I try to shout out. I roll over, catching Andor by surprise. I took this opportunity to start tickling Andor.

"Say Apple Juice is better than Grape Juice!" I tell Andor.

"Team...Grape...forever!" Andor shouts in between tickles.

I stop tickling Andor. He gasps for breath.

"Hey." I stare into his beautiful eyes.

"Hey yourself." Andor replies.

I close my eyes and gently kiss Andor. He responds by kissing back immediately. I continue to kiss Andor as I run my hands through his silk hair.

"Jordan..." Andor mumbles.

"Yes Andor?"

"Wake up."

I look up at Andor.


"Wake up... Wake up Jordan!"

I shoot open my eyes.

"Hello Jordan."


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