Chapter 47

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Jordan's Pov

I watch as Tom plays with Ianita. It makes me happy to see him interacting with her.

Andor claimed to be off at some meeting but I know that's a lie. Andor always gets the hiccups when he lies so it's quite obvious.

"YOU'RE GONNA ALLY WITH MIANITE!" Andor shouts causing Ianita to jump into Tom's arms.

"Andor he could bring her back." I say calmly. "HOW COULD YOU! DON'T YOU REMEMBER WHAT HE DID TO ME!?!" Andor shoves me but I don't fight back.

Tom exits with Ianita, I hear her let out a cry before the door closes between us.

"I just want our Lady back. Don't you want her back?" I ask quietly. "HE BEAT ME TILL I WAS HARDLY ALIVE! TO THE POINT I'D RATHER DIE THAN LIVE ANY LONGER! YET YOU WANT TO SIDE WITH HIM!" Andor shouts other things at me. Taking personal digs at my past. I just stand and take it.

Tom's Pov

I hold little Ianita close to me. She's terrified and I know if Jordan knew he wouldn't stand there and listen to Andor's shouts.

"I HAVEN'T SIGNED SHIT YET ANDOR! STOP IT!" Jordan's crying. I swear if Andor......

Glass shatters and Jordan let's out a cry. I take Ianita to a nearby closet and sit her in it. She clings to me when I try to let her go.

"Don't leave me!" She sobs and I sigh. "Listen Jor- your dad needs me right now. You're gonna be ok just trust me." I plead and she nods releasing her grip on me.

Jordan's Pov

He h-hit me.....more than once. I stay huddled in the corner as Tom runs in. He is shouting and cursing at Andor but I don't care.

It's like every bit of strength left in me is gone. I just want to disappear, to go away even for just a day.

Ianita's Pov

Why do my dads have to fight? Can't they just love each other with out the violence!

"Ianita sweetheart." Aunt Martha says before sitting next to me. "Mr. T-tom told me not to m-move." I stutter and she pulls me into her arms.

I begin to sing to calm myself down.

Another days slowly, child is slowly taken. And the violence caused much silence, Who are we mistaken?

But you see it's not me it's not my family! In your head, in your head, they are fighting! With their tanks and their bombs and their bombs and their guns. In your head, in your head, they are crying!

Jordan's Pov

Tom holds me in his arms as I sob. Tom got himself worked up as well, because he's trembling.

"He's never gonna touch you again." Tom murmurs. I love Andor with everything in me....b-but he....hit me.

I never hit back. I wanted to but couldn't bring myself to do it. Why can't he see I'm only siding with Mianite for the greater good!

"You and Ianita are coming back to my house tonight got it." Tom orders. He's taking this too far.

"Tom no, we're fine here. Andor just got a little to mad my eye doesn't even hurt." I lie my whole head feels like it's on fire.

"You're lying."

"You're not helping!" I shout on accident. "I'm sorry. I-" I pull away from Tom and walk to Ianita's room.

I find Steve tucking her into bed. "Why can't we just be happy?" Ianita whispers. Steve just smiles sadly and kisses Ianita's head.

"He'd make a great father." Martha says sadly. "Martha you can't help it." I try to comfort her.

"I know Steve wants children but he doesn't want to use the spell...." I hug her in hopes it'll help both of us.

Steve cracks my sleeping daughters door before taking Martha from my arms. "Where'd Andor go?" I ask hoping Steve will know.

"He went for a walk. Give him space Sparklez. You have no idea how much he's gonna beat himself up about tonight." With that Steve and Martha head off to bed.

I slide down the wall and begin to silently sob. I feel a gently hand on my knee.

I look up and Ianite is smiling down at me. "We're gonna be ok." She says but when I blink it's not M' Lady but Ianita.

I move so she can sit in my lap. "Why'd Daddy Andor do that? Doesn't he love us?" Ianita asks innocently.

"H-He loves us both very much. I made him angry and he just exploded. But that had nothing to do with us as a family." Her tears soak through my shirt.

"Baby girl please don't cry." I half sob. Ianita grips the hem of my shirt and I hold her just a little tighter.

We stay like this for a long time. Each of us longing for comfort.

"Daddy.....I love you." Ianita says as she pulls away a little.

I smile and wipe a tear that was resting ok her cheek. She giggles as I do so.

"I love you too sweetheart." I say then kiss her forehead.

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