Chapter 23

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Two Months Later

Mot's Pov

I walk into Jordan and my's hotel room. He's writing in a spiral notebook Maylee gave him before he left. He shuts it when he notices I'm around.

"You ok?" I ask and sit next to him in bed. Jordan just lays his head on my shoulder. "Can I read it?" I whisper and of course Jordan says no. He shuts the book away in the drawer attached to our nightstand.

I run my hand up and down Jordan's thigh in an attempt to comfort him. "Have you herd anything from anyone?" He asks placing his hand on mine.

"I herd from the gossipers that Andor was asked if he was gonna put out an amber alert for you and he said no that he trusted you'd come back on your own other than that nothing." I say and Jordan sighs.

"Please don't be sad." I half beg. Jordan pulls away from me causing my heart to sink.

"I'm not sad, just annoyed I guess." I see his eyes fall to my arm. I quickly attempt to pull my sleeve down but Jordan stops me.

"You didn't deserve that Mot. Never forget that." Jordan says and before I can answer his lips are on mine.

Jordan pulls away for air but I quickly kiss him again. "Mot." Jordan warns between kisses.

"I'm not ready for.....that...yet." Jordan says resting his forehead on mine. "I understand." I whisper. I steal another kiss from Jordan.

"Can we take a nap?" Jordan asks and of course I agree. He faces away from me on his side. I frown what's going on with him.

Jordan's Pov

Mot is not giving me any breaks today! He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him. I close my eyes in an attempt to ignore him. His hand moves up and down on my thigh not gonna lie its kinda comforting. This is the type of thing Andor never did that I wish he would've.

I can hear Mot's light snoring but he must be in autopilot because his hand is still rubbing my thigh. Mot's made me so happy these past few months. H-he makes me feel like I'm somebody important, somebody that matters. I'm not worried about Andor, he has Ianite to keep him from doing anything stupid. Martha left Wag. He called while Mot was away. I've never herd him cry before despite the red tear stains that are always on his face. He cried during our phone call. I told him I'd come stay with him so he wouldn't have to be alone but he told me no to stay with Mot.

I feel tears start running down my face. I miss my friends but I can't go back. I turn so my face is buried in Mot's chest. Mot runs his hands up and down my back but I just keep on crying. "Jordan what's wrong?" Mot asks as I sob into his chest. I can't answer, I'm crying to hard.

I've never known what its like to have no one who supports me. I've always had Tom, after Tom was Andor, then from Andor to Mot. I can't imagine how James feels. Abandoned by his family then now with Martha.

"Jordan what's wrong?! Talk to me please, let me help." Mot begs but I can't even begin to explain what I feel right now. I should be with Wag helping him being his shoulder to cry on. Not here hiding from the world.

"I gotta go." I say pulling away from Mot. "What?! Jordan calm down what's going on?!" Mot half yells in an attempt to calm me down. "Tell me to calm down one more time I will shove my foot down your throat!" I yell then throw on a black hoodie.

"I'm going back." I say my hands trembling as I attempt to arm myself. Mot stops me and puts the small knife passed from Martha, then to Wag, who gave it to me. "If you're going so am I." He's almost to close to me right now. I'm not in the mood.

"No I'm not going back to see Andor or any of them. There's no need for you to try to protect me. They won't even know I'm there." I say stepping away from him. "The only person that's gonna see me is Wag."

"I still don't want you going back alone." Mot rebels and I sigh. I walk into his arms and bury my face in his neck. I know this drives him crazy.

"If you trust me you'll let me go alone." I whisper and I feel him shiver as my lips brush against his neck. Mot nods and gently pushes me away. His good eye is filled with tears. "When will you be back?" He asks, "Depends on how things are once I get back. I'll call you when I know a definite answer." I reply but Mot still seems hesitant.

"What if Dian-"

"He won't lay a finger on me. Maylee has him busy." I pause and look down at Mot's arm. "So do you." I hear the innocence in my own voice. "He doesn't care about me. Or we wouldn't be in this situation right now." Mot sounds hurt maybe angry I can't tell.

"He could never not care about you Mot. He may've disowned you, but that doesn't mean what you two had is gone." I pause and wipe Mot's tears. "Don't cry." I say kinda harshly. Mot just hugs me again. "Please don't go." Mot whispers, I hate seeing him like this.

"I'm not worth the tears Mot. I'll be back I promise. You do understand why I'm leaving don't you?" I ask pulling away so I can look him in the eyes-well eye.

"James needs you and I understand that. If anything happens you'll call me, right?" Mot says more to assure himself than me. "Of course." I lean up and gently kiss Mot's soft lips.

He pulls away, smiles, then kisses me again. "Love you Sparklez."

"Mot I...." He knows I'm not ready to say it back yet. I can't lie and have him suffer for it later.

"Can you say it back, just this once." Mot's voice begins to tremble again. "I-I love you t-too Mot." I reply.

Mot gives me another quick hug. "One more kiss." Mot whispers. I cup his face in my hands and kiss him.

"I'll call you tonight, goodb-" Mot interrupts,

"Never goodbye just I'll see you soon."

"I'll see you soon Mot." I say amd flash a fake smile.

"As will I my love." Mot replies with a smile then a peck on the cheek. I leave at that. Maybe just maybe I'll be okay.

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