Chapter 12

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Two Days Later

Maylee's Pov

Andor and I sit in a field of white flowers. "Don't you wish we could stay here forever?" Andor asks me. "Yeah." I reply carelessly.

"How much longer do you think it'll take them to find them?" I ask but Andor just sighs.

"I don't know. Jordan's smart, with a god on his side who knows what he can accomplish." Andor picks a flower and places it in my hair.

"They're working with portals today." Ianite says appearing suddenly. "That's neat. I never understood portals. Magnus never taught me."

I don't trust Ianite. She seems way to happy and cheerful. I don't trust a women without a dark side.

"I have a dark side Maylee. You just haven't seen it." Ianite says suddenly. "Stay out of my head please." I say with a rude smile.

"Tell my brother that." She replies with the same tone. I see her go pale.

Jordan's Pov

I turn and see Mot standing behind me. "Spark?" He asks not breaking eye contact with me. "No, Jordan Sparklez." I say holding my sword in front of me.

Mot seems to be breathless. Its a definite he's scared. He makes eye contact with Dianite as I do Andor and Maylee.

"Dia where's Alyssa?" Mot asks innocently. I never got my portal to work. "She's gone son." Dianite answers. "No you're lying."

"Maylee don't." Andor says harshly. "What is it with all of you and reading my mind?!" Maylee half yells. I can tell Dianite's struggling to ignore her.

"Ten years is a long time to be alone." Mot says stepping out of the broken portal.

"Who's the feisty ginger?" Mot asks and is see the rage in Maylee's eyes. "Mot that's Maylee, Maylee this is Mot." Dianite says.

"Andor how have you been son?" Mot asks completely ignoring Maylee. "How's your-" Dianite grabs Mot's arm signaling him to stop.

I see tears swell up in Andor's eyes. "My dad's dead. He was shot during a rebellion." He chokes out.

"Its a shame he really wasn't a bad guy."

"Mot stop." Dianite orders again. "Jordan can we go on a walk while these four play catch up?" Maylee asks me. I walk silently in her direction.

Once we're a good distance away Maylee starts to vent. "I can't believe he had the nerve to call me feisty! Dianite didn't even stand up for me!" She yells clearly jealous of Mot.

"He hasn't even been here an hour and you're already jealous." I mumble and of course she objects.

Dianite's Pov

I'm worried about Maylee. She stormed off without even giving Mot a chance! I thought she was better than that!

"Dia? You ok, you seem distracted?" Mot asks me innocently, but he moves closer to me. "Dia is taken so back off." Andor snaps causing Mot to back away. He turns away from me and pulls out his sword. Andor mirrors the action.

"Andor, dear, no need to be violent my mother wouldn't approve." Martha says a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"Did I ask for your input Andor?" Mot says his voice deepening. "Jordan would snap you in two if he saw you right now." Andor says sounding a little shaky.

"IT TAKES TWO IN A RELATIONSHIP JORDAN!" I hear Maylee yell but I ignore it. Jordan wouldn't hurt her.

"He isn't half the man Spark was." Mot growls and Ianite's face fills with hurt. "I think he's a lovely person." She says.

"You know I thought maybe after 10 years I'd have a chance but I guess I was wrong. I'll talk to you later Dia." I can tell just by Mot's voice he's gonna cry.

"Mot please don't be sad." I beg but he ignores me and walks off with Martha. He looks back at me, his big green eyes teary. I feel my own eyes water. I've broken him to a point I don't think he's fixable.

"YOU DIDN'T EVEN GIVE HIM A CHANCE MAYLEE!" Jordan's crying. Ianite, Andor, and I rush to the two. Both have been crying.

Andor goes to Jordan and so does Ianite. I go straight to Maylee. I embrace her into a hug. "Shhhh. Calm down. Everything is okay now." I try to make Maylee keep calm. She shoves herself away from me.

"No! I am sick and tired of everyone telling me things are okay when they aren't! Things for me are not okay! I wish you all would finally listen to me and get that!" Maylee runs off. I sigh. Ianite puts her hand on my shoulder. "Go after her, brother." I run towards the direction Maylee went.

When I find her she is sitting at the edge of a small cliff, looking out into the water. I sit beside her. She turns her body away, making her back face me. She doesn't want me here. "I'm not leaving, Maylee." "Stay. Out. Of. My. Head." Maylee grits through a clenched jaw. I do as she asks. It is so silent I can hear the waves crashing against the rocky wall below.

Its hard not to read her thoughts. I just want to know what's going on with her. Maylee mumbles something but I don't catch what she says.

"What was that?" I ask her and she turns to face me. Her eyes are red due to crying. "I said why don't you go see Mot! Ten years is a long time!" She shouts.

"Is that what this is about. Maylee I told you Mot isn't gonna change things between us." I say but she just shakes her head.

"Just leave me alone please. I need time." She says quickly.

"I'm not leaving you." I say in response. "You don't understand! Just leave me be!" Maylee turns away from me again.

"What do I not understand?" I ask taking her little hand in my own. Her hands are as cold as ice.

"You don't know what it feels like to be neglected. To hate yourself so much you'd rather die than make the world stand you another day. You'll never understand!" She's sobbing again. "You're a god. You could have anyone you wanted, anything you want!" she cries.

"You're right." I answer. I know this is risky but I feel like its the only way to get her to come back with me.

"But I already have everything I want. She's sitting right beside me." Maylee faces me again. She just shakes her head then buries her head in her knees.

"You're all that I want Maylee. If I wanted Mot I would have him right now. I don't want him! I only want you Maylee Rose. I really, really love you and I'd do anything to see that million dollar smile of yours."

There's a silent moment. I close my eyes and before I can let out a sigh Maylee's lips are on mine. My heart skips a beat. "I love you too." She sobs into my neck.

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