Chapter 54

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Jordan's Pov

"Martha calm down." Andor says softly. "Jordan did what needed to be done."

"YOU KILLED HER!" Martha screams, nearly choking on tears in the process.

"YOUR A MURDERER!" I do the unpredictable and pull Martha into my arms.

She tries to pull away but I only hold her tighter. "I HATE YOU!" She sobs but I ignore it.

Martha lays her head on my chest and sobs. "You don't hate me, I'm not a murderer, I did what had to be done." I pause and pull back slightly.

Martha looks up at me with the same sad eyes Ianite did on her death day. "You have to understand that. I just want Ianite back."

She just nods and buries her head in my chest. "It's all gonna be ok." I coo over and over again.

Two Months Later

Mot's Pov

I smile as I watch Maylee bond with Faylinn. It's a beautiful thing the bond between mother and daughter. Makes me miss my mom. Not that I remember much of her, but the thought of having someone so calm and caring is nice.

"Mot they're leaving." Dec blurts. "What?! Who's leaving?" I ask.

"Tucker, Tom, Jordan, and Sonja." They're going to revive Dia! I wanna go!

I jump up only to have Dec sit me back down. "Mianite said you had to stay with Maylee." He says softly.

"But I have to go! I want to be the first one he sees!" Tears start running down my cheeks as Dec holds me to my chair.

"Mot you're not leaving. You can either accept that and let me go wait for information. Or you can force me to hold u to this chair till the heroes get back." Dec snaps.

"What if it doesn't work?! What if they need me!?!"

"Mot you have to trust in Mianite and the others." Maylee whispers and for some reason I calm a bit.

Jordan's Pov

I stare at my feet as we walk to the portal Mianite has set up. Saying bye to Andor was the hardest thing to do for some reason.

Tom and Troye seemed to be ok with it all. We arrive at the portal and my stomach starts to turn. "Jordan deep breaths. You're ok." Tom whispers before taking my hand in his.

"You four heroes will have to complete 4 puzzles in which will stretch you're mental strength, physical strength, and both your physical and mental weaknesses." Mianite pauses before finishing.

"Good luck heroes."

We all exchange glances once more before jumping into the portal.

I land in a room made of netherack, in a cage in front of me is my old pet, Jerry. A trap door separates him from lava.

"TUCKER!" Sonja yells out. She's trying to see if we can communicate.

"JORDAN!" Tom shouts except unlike Sonja he sounds happy!?!

"SONJ ARE YOU OK?!" Tucker shouts. I hear sobs from the room beside me. I run over to the wall and sure enough to the left of my area is Sonja's.

"B-oris!" She cries. "Sonja can you hear me?" I say only loud enough for her to hear.

"GUYS WE'RE RICH!" Tom shouts happily. "J-Jordan?" Sonja cries. "Hey its not real. That's not Boris."

"J-Jordan what do we do?" Sonja cries. "Just hold tight." I reply before backing away from the wall.

I hear a high pitched screech from the room to my right, Tom.


Tucker must be beside Tom. He's been awfully quiet. I continue to scan the room for anything that could be a way out.

Just as I start to loose hope I see it. A door just to the left of Jerry's cage. A button is placed above it.

The button must be wired up to the trap door......

I run back over to Sonja's wall. "Sonja there's a door to the left of Boris's cage. You gotta hit the button to move on."

"B-but Boris!" She sobs

"Sonja it's not him!" I hate to shout at her but we're never gonna move on if she doesn't kill this clone.

I hear her screech before everyone's doors open.

Cautiously I walk into the other room. "Ok does everyone have a blood river?!" I shout loud enough for Tucker to hear me.

"Yes! Let's go!" Tom shouts and I do as he orders and swim up the blood stream.

I'm face to face my lady, where her eyes once were there are black pits.

"Why didn't you love me!"

Mot's Pov

I notice Dec tense as he paces back and forth. "Mianite claims Jordan is weakening. Now so, is Tucker." I notice he's on the verge of tears.

"It hurts doesn't it?" I ask and he nods. "Only because I chose to be with Champ. Priest aren't supposed to be in any other relationships." He speaks quickly.

I sigh as I look over at Maylee who seems to be a nervous wreak. Once she notices me looking she gives a sad smile.

"What happens if they don't complete it? What happens if Jordan-"

"They can't revive him. They have to complete this and everyone's struggling!"

My heart stops. They have to pass this. Jordan won't settle for failure I know he wouldn't!

Jordan's Pov

"JORDAN IT'S NOT REAL!" Tom cries as Ianite continues to shout that everything is all my fault.

It's all my fault she's dead! It's all my fault my daughter is to! I murdered a innocent kid!

"Go ahead Jordan!" Ianite yells. "Murder more children for the greater good!"

"Jordan listen to me." I hear Tom say through the wall. "Tell her goodbye." He says softly.

No. "You're right." I blurt my gaze goes from my feet to Ianite's hollow eyes.

"This is all my fault. It's my fault Dianite's dead, it's my fault you're dead, it's my fault Ianita is dead. Everything is my fault!" I say as tears pour from my eyes.

"And I t-tried to love you! Hell Ianite look at me. I'm a mess. I'm gonna try everything in my power to get you back. I'm sorry about Ianita and all the other valuables I gave to Mianite." I pause and pull out my bow.

"I never gave up this." My voice cracks. "Seems like I'm shooting with broken arrows...."

"I gotta go." I whisper to her. Carefully I take Ianite's thin body into my arms. "I'll never forget you." I cry before kissing her forehead.

Without looking back I run to the next portal. "Ready everyone?!" I shout.

"Ready!" Tom yells in response.

"R-eady!" Tucker.....he's crying

"Ready!" Sonja....

After Sonja's ready we jump.

I'm next to Tom. "Are you real?" I whisper. "Yea, I think so." Tom whispers back without looking at me.

Slowly he reaches over and takes my hand in his.

Tucker has his arms wrapped around Sonja. Tears pour from his eyes. "Where are we?" I speak up as we walk through the streets of....

"BUBBA!" A little girl giggles. "Now now Prim, Endor settle down." Eleanor. Endor. Prim.

"Dagrun." Tom answers as he looks at the beautiful town. "This is what it would've been happened!" I know that voice. Helgrind.

At Long Last (book 3 Spandor collection)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now