Chapter 21

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Jordan's Pov

I open my eyes and see Mot in my room. "I want to show you something, get dressed." He exits the room. I get dressed and go to where Mot is. "Follow me." He takes off for the jungle biome. I have to sprint to keep up with him.

We run for about 30 minutes before making it to the outer edge of the jungle. "Catch your breath. We will walk the rest of the way." Mot sits on the ground, waiting for me. I take a minute to breathe before nodding. "Let's go." I say. Mot stands up and starts walking quickly. I sigh. "I thought you said that we are walking." I complain. "Speed walking." Mot shouts. He is a good distance away from me now. I have to jog to keep him in my sight.

I trip over a branch and land on the soft ground. "Mot!" I shout. I don't hear anything but the occasional bird and the sway of the leaves in the wind. "Mot!" I shout again, he doesn't come. I dust myself off and start to jog. The entire forest is a blur as I search for Mot. I am about to give up when I stumble upon a temple. "Finally." Mot comes around the side of the temple. He grabs my arm and pulls me inside the temple.

In the center of the temple is lava surrounded by half-slabs. "What are we doing here?" I ask, confused. "Jump in the lava." Mot says. "What?! No!" I step away from Mot and the lava. "It's safe, trust me." Mot jumps in the lava and disappears. "Mot?" My voice quavers. I step near the lava, debating whether or not I should jump in. I decide to go with my gut and jump into the burning lava.

Mot is waiting for me at the bottom. If Andor finds out I'm here he's gonna.....I'd rather not think about it. Mot seems kinda emotional as he walks down the long hallway.

"You remember when you asked me if I had any secrets? Well I have one." Mot says despite him being on the verge of tears his voice is still strong. Leader-like I should say.

He leads me into a fairly large nether brick room with obsidian chest that line the back wall. "What is this place." I whisper looking around.

"My old base." Mot answers with a painful smile. "Feel free to have anything in those chests. I don't need it." He finishes and leans against the wall.

I go through the chest to find blocks of Diamond and emerald. Also some fluix crystals. I can't take this from him. Its to expensive of a gift for me to just take it.

"Mot I ca-"

"Jordan just take it. What am I gonna do with all of it? Its useless for it to just sit down here and rot away." Mot says so I take the items. I find glowing books hung on the wall.

I open one and begin reading. Its about the progression of the building. I read entry through entry with each one learning something new about Mot's humor. I reach the last page of the last journal,

Alyssa always asks why I look so hungry when I get home. I told her I don't have a steady food supply yet. She gave me a juice maker and demanded I install it. I did more for her than for myself.

"Enjoying those updates?" Mot asks and a wave of embarrassment washes over me. He just watched me read his journals ops.

"Mot I-" I notice Mot getting closer and closer to me, till my back is against the wall. I don't panic because I trust Mot. If I didn't I wouldn't have came here with him.

"I have another secret." Mot whispers sending chills down my spine. I look away suddenly terrified to look Mot in the eyes. He runs his hand up my chest then tilts my chin so I'm looking at him.

He closes his good eye and kisses me. The world seems to stop, as if all that matters is me and him. Just for a moment I forget about Andor, about the gods that are probably watching us right now. I like this. Mot pulls away and gets a scared look on his face.

"Jordan I'm-" I cut him off with another kiss. "Don't you dare be sorry." I whisper tears running down my face. "Y-you're crying." I nod and lay my head on Mot's chest.

"They're good tears." I whisper causing myself to cry harder into Mot's shirt. He rubs his hands up and down my back. "I don't wanna go home." I say after a long silence.

"Then don't. Run away with me. Do to others as they did to you. Just leave with me." Mot pulls away. I know I can't do that. It'll crush Andor and cause him to take his anger with me out on others and I don't want that.

"Mot as much as I-" There's a sharp pain in my side then in my head. "Jordan what's wrong?!" Mot says a worried tone in his voice. My vision starts to blur as the pain gets worse.

"Jordan no! Stay with me!" Mot cries picking me up gently. I black out in his arms.

Andor's Pov

I rush to Dec'c house as soon as I can. What happened?! Why didn't Jordan just go to the hospital? I remember Mot telling me if a follower is hurt by a god there is nothing a mundane hospital can do. Ianite would never hurt him which means it must've been Dianite.

When I enter the room Champwan walked me to I am disturbed to find Mot sat beside Jordan's bed. He's crying and holding my boyfriends hand! I notice not only is he crying but he's crying from both eyes. Something must've happened between the two.

"What happened?" I ask but Mot doesn't answer me. "Mot answer!" I raise my voice. Seeing Jordan unconscious and clearly in a horrible dream is killing me.

"He j-just want-ed t-t-to run away with me! Why'd you hurt him!" Mot sobs and I feel anger rise with in me. I should've never left Jordan last night!

"Mot I'm ashamed in you. You were a tramp and went against my sister and I." Dianite says placing a protective hand on my shoulder.

"HE TREATS HIM LIKE SHIT DIANITE! HE WANTS TO LEAVE AND YOU PUNISH HIM FOR IT!" Mot yells still sobbing. "Of course I punished him. I knew seeing him like this is enough punishment for you. Along with one other thing..." Dianite's voice trails off.
"Leave here and never come back." I pick up and Mot looks at Jordan. "I'm not leaving till I know he recovers fully. Then you'll never see me again." Mot says with a frown.

"Can you give me a second with him?" I ask but Mot doesn't budge. "Mot now." Dianite orders and of course he listens. Dianite exits with him.

"God Jordan what'd you do?" I ask nearly choking on tears. One after another tears slide down my face.

"Andor neither are gonna be honest with what happened. Even thoughts are gonna be protected." Dianite says harshly. "When I wake Jordan up both of them are going to do a lie detector test."

I just nod. "So he's gonna be okay?" I mumble looking up at my great uncle.
"He'll be fine Andor. When you find out what happened you'll probably wish different of me." Dianite says and I hear Mot cry out from another room.

"What'd you do to Mot?" I ask out of curiosity. "I disowned him. His mark is being scratched out. Very painful process. Go home and rest up. I promise he'll be awake tomorrow. Meet us at the court square."

I don't argue with Dianite. I kiss Jordan's forehead before sprinting home.

How could they! How could Mot take so much of a liking to Jordan that he'd rather have all this than admit it false.
I remember Jordan telling me about Mot touching his tail the day of the purge. He thought it was just to get him railed up so he'd lose.

"But when Mot killed Tom for me I knew it wasn't like that."

Jordan's words float around in my head as I drift off to sleep on my living room couch.

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