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The world of fairytales was majestic.

It was beautiful and always so bright.The normal people would always ever so admire those with fairytales and destines.But the one they admired most was Snow White's fairy tale.
To be able to sleep for a few days and wait for a shining prince to come and kiss them to awaken the cursed princess who would be able to become eligible to become queen of the kingdom.She would be given complete ownership to the White's castle, get to rule over the kingdom as its Queen and have a King alongside her, and than they repeat.For she had the best destiny placed upon her from the moment she had been given birth to.Of course the one thing looked away from often is the 'villain' for her story.One nobody would envy, and even the most simplest fairy tales would thank their luck for not being born as one.

Their purpose is to curse the princess, get destroyed and be a stepping stone for her.

If you were in any way shape or form, related to the bloodline of the Evil Queen, and if anyone were to know than you would be cursed at your entire life, always dealing with loneliness often as nobody wanted to be friends with someone as cursed as that.

You would be laughed at, and people afraid of you for whatever you do.

One lucky and the other not so much.

The two bloodlines have continued this tradition for so long that you wouldn't be able to remember a time where those two were at peace with each other.
But what would happen if something, someone, changes the course.


Posting this as a whole new story because- well I thought it'd be better if I did.
And dw, this time I'll probably post weekly or something.

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