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[The Walk]

It was awkward between the 2 of them for a bit. Phoebe just looked nervous for a second but suddenly she asked Ashlynn to go somewhere that only she knows of. Ashlynn got curious and agreed. Phoebe giggled as she grabbed Ashlynns hand and ran towards who knows where. And suddenly they stopped at a teleporting portal which gets activated by getting Phoebes eye scanned. 

"Woah! You guys have a teleporter? Mom would never let me get one because it wasn't a shoe and stuff." 

"Haha, yeah my mom let me get one since I couldn't really go outside."

They both stepped in to a room with enough space for a hanging bed, library, and a small kitchen area plus some devices set up here and there. 

"This is so cool! is this your room?" Ashlynn asked in awe.

"Nope! I mean yes but this is more like my hideout. Mom doesn't know where it is so." Phoebe answered right away awkwardly.

It felt awkward to keep calling this person mom even though its been months and she had been practicing for so long. Was this what it felt like to be childish?

"Awesome! Anyways I'm Ashlynn. We're cousins so I guess we should get along right?" Ashlynn reached out her hand for a handshake.

Instead of giving Ashlynn her handshake, Phoebe hugged Ashlynn. "I've never had friends before! You'll be my friend right?" 

Ashlynn was a bit surprised by the sudden clinginess but found it pitiful and adorable.  "Of course I will. But I might not get to hang out with you much since I have to go to Ever After High."

Phoebe didn't look shocked at all. Instead she replied happily "Well what a coincidence! I am too!"  

"No really?! Wait I should introduce you to my friends when we get there, in fact we should go together!" Ashlynn said with no hesitation. 

"Really?! Are you sure I won't be messing up your plans?" Phoebe asked nervously.

"No way, my friends are going to love you. You should totally add me to your MirrorApp! Whats your username?" says Ashlynn right away. She looked around for a second as if she was gonna grab something but than sighed as they laid down on the bed. "I forgot my mom took my Mirrorphone. I'll add you later, just tell me your username so I can write it down."

Raven looked confused. "I didn't know you could add people-"

Ashlynn looked at Phoebe in shock. "Girl you're missing out so much. But if you don't mind me asking, why did your mom never introduce you to the world?"

Phoebe looked down. "Do you know the tale of my mother?" 

Ashlynn shook her head. "I know some details here and there but not too much."

Phoebe chuckled "well long story short my parents are just over protective."

"Well that must be tough. I can't imagine my life without my friends."

"Must be nice."

"Don't worry, you'll make friends in no time, like I said everyone will love you!"

"Awhh you're so sweet."


Phoebe awkwardly laid down on the bed too besides Ashlynn and they both just stared at the ceiling for a bit. 

"Excited for Ever After High?" asked Ashlynn

"Yeah, its been my dream." replied Phoebe. She wasn't lying at all, even as Raven Queen, she always wanted to be able to go to the school like all the other fairytales instead of being stuck inside and learning spells and watching people get tortured for days and months and years. This was like her dream life.

IM SO SORRY! bro I keep forgetting, but I do in fact have an excuse. 
I joined the uh- student council thing so now I have to adjust my schedule again.

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