chap 5

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Historical Transmigration of Mian [Reluctantly] Becomes His Man [Wife]
Chapter 6: CH 005
Chapter 7: CH 006

When the Lei Family finished their dinner, it was not completely dark. The shadow of the house and trees were made into dim silhouettes by the remnant sunlight. All peasant families were like this; they tried to eat dinner before dusk, so that they could save some lamp’s oil.

Qin Mian, Zhao and Qian washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen under Du Shi’s hostile eyes.

When he came out of the kitchen, he saw that Lei Tie took a dark brown wooden basin to draw water from the well. Qin Mian was afraid that the man would wash his feet with him, so he rushed to the well and scooped a ladle of cold water from the bucket with a wooden ladle and poured it directly onto his feet. After he washed his feet once through, he looked at Lei Tie dully for fear that the man could not see his estrangement towards him, but inwardly, he shivered. The water in the well he had just drawn was not cold in general, but his heart was chilled.

Lei Tie paused before he bowed to draw water, still without expression as before.

Qin Mian went back to the thatched cottage. The sandals were wet and uncomfortable. He simply took them off and let his feet dry naturally. There was no small seat, so he sat down on the edge of the bed. The inside of the room was very dark and the light from the outside came in through some big or small gaps on the wall, which appeared very miserable. Qin Mian saw an oil lamp on the low table at the head of the bed but he didn’t know how to light it, so he didn’t touch it.

In a moment, Lei Tie came in.

Qin Mian asked in a low voice: “Is there anyone else outside?”

Lei Tie didn’t know what he meant but shook his head, walked in and sat down on the bed.

Qin Mian thought for a moment before he said directly: “I don’t know what happened. I don’t remember anything before. Can you tell me who I am and why I married you? We are both men.”

Lei Tie turned and looked at him in surprise.

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Qin Mian looked straight at him with a calm face.

“You are my wife. I’m Li Tie. Go to sleep.” Lei Tie got on the bed first and lay down on the outer side.

“I’m a man!” Qin Mian was a little anxious and asked: “How did I get married with you? Why did my family marry me off to a man?”

Lei Tie didn’t speak. The room was too dark that Qin Mian couldn’t see his expression.

“You are my wife.” After Lei Tie finished talking, no matter how Qin Mian asked, he never opened his mouth again and his breath was long and steady, as if he was asleep.

It’s no use worrying, so Qin Mian stayed very calm and blankly sat for a while. When a cold wind blew, he shivered and crawled to the inside of the bed to lie down. At least one more thing to be thankful for now: Lei Tie did not force him to exercise the rights and obligations of ‘husband and wife’. Pooh-pooh![1]

Qin Mian shook his head and drove away the appalling thought. After hesitating, he dragged the only quilt which covered Lei Tie to him. The body temperature beside him was like a warm stove. It’s hard for him to ignore it. He simply didn’t want to think about it anymore and intended to have a good sleep. After dawn, he must try to find ways to ask about. He lay down very much at ease. According to his estimation, this body was at most 12 years old, still a child. In every case, Lei Tie shouldn’t be a brutal person to really treat him like that.

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