06. Claim you as mine

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"No!" Yoongi stated firmly. "How come not?" Ino turned her head, cocking it to the side, looking over her shoulder at him as she sat on the railing, her legs dangling in the air. "Which part of 'no' exactly isn't clear to you?" he snapped angrily and Ino huffed. "The whole!" she swung her leg back, calmly stepping down from the railing.

"And stop hanging from the terrace, one day you won't be able to land on your feet and your sweet neck will break on the pavement!" he shot, stepping back as Ino walked past him. "They look married" Jimin whispered to Jin, who nodded with a grin.

It had been a week since Ino remembered the Golden Bell, almost every day there was something that made her memories come back little by little but still all she remembered were just pieces of a puzzle she was trying to put together . During this time, the tension between her and Yoongi was rising sharply, leading to arguments like the one at the moment.

"This is ridiculous, I can take care of myself!" she poured herself a decent shot of whiskey and drank it down in one gulp. "Really?" Yoongi looked at her sarcastically and she nodded confidently. "What is your name?" Yoongi asked mockingly, knowing it was a kick below the belt but still using it against her. This woman was really driving him crazy, and now, she wanted to go to the damn cafe, risking whoever was chasing her finding out she was alive.

Jimin and Jin looked from one to the other, betting on who would win. The memory loss trump was the strongest Yoongi had up his sleeve and he had already played it,.now it was Ino's turn to answer and they both pricked up their ears waiting for her to fire the winning bullet.

"Okay, but I still have to go out, if you want to win the fucking bet, I'm going to need an outfit and some other stuff" Ino insisted and Yoongi raised his eyebrows. "Order them online!" he smirked triumphantly. "I can't, I have to try" insisted Ino. "Besides, you don't want strangers poking around in my underwear, do you?" she asked jokingly and Yoongi snorted.

"Listen, baby..." she pulled him closer, running a hand over his chest and then over his shoulder, walking behind him, licking herself seductively. "I'm yours until spring ball, and you don't want something of yours to become public knowledge, something as intimate as my panties?" Ino whispered in his ear, fully aware of how she was acting on him right now.

"You're playing with fire ,baby" his voice dropped to a deep growl. This game of flirting and seduction was seriously starting to annoy him and Yoongi found himself unable to concentrate on his work more and more often, thinking about Ino. "Come on YonYon, can you come with me?" she suggested crossing her arms over his chest.

"YonYon?" Jin looked at Jimin who just shrugged. "Nickname?" he suggested, watching Yoongi and Ino absolutely openly flirt with each other."Can we call him that too?" Jimin grumbled, grinning. "Your ass is not that sexy!" Yoongi growled, startling Jimin and Jin, who weren't expecting to be heard at all. "You think I have a sexy ass?" Ino rubbed some more, wiping his cheek with her lips.

"Oh, for God's sake, fine, but I'm coming with you!" Yoongi surrendered and Ino squealed happily, starting to bounce around him. "You owe me a hundred" Jin grinned and Jimin reached into his pocket with annoyance, slapping the money into Jin's outstretched hand. "I'm really disappointed in you Yoongi hyung" he huffed and Yoongi raised his eyebrows. "Then stop making pre-losing bets against me!" Yoongi growled and Jin burst out laughing.

"Let's go!" Ino pulled Yoongi towards the door. It was her first time outside the mansion in two weeks, or rather, since she had fallen into Jungkook's arms without memory, and now she couldn't wait to see if the world had changed. Yoongi shook his head, trailing reluctantly after her. The more she remembered, the more he found her energetic playful nature, the complete opposite of his, but also the more she attracted him.

He wasn't sure if she was deliberately provoking him or if she just liked flirting with someone and since he was the one she spent the most time with, he was just convenient for her little game. But thanks to her presence in the mansion, he didn't have a chance to quench the hunger that Ino was making in him and Yoongi had a feeling he was about to burst. Especially with her habit of hanging around his neck, touching him like he was her favorite toy.

Ino settled into the passenger seat, waving goodbye to Jin and Jimin as their car passed them. Yoongi settled into the driver's seat with a heavy sigh. "Okay, where?" he asked, starting the engine. "Anywhere" Ino smiled charmingly, impatient to walk at all, even just to the corner.

"Very specific" he snorted and Ino turned to him tucking her leg under the other. "Ask me out" Yoongi looked at her in surprise. "Excuse me, what?" he raised his eyebrows and she smiled. "Ask me out" Ino repeated and Yoongi laughed.

"Now I'm sure you're playing with me" he shook his head and the car drove off. "Stop" he slammed on the brakes and looked at her. "Now what, you wanted to go shopping, didn't you?" he asked and Ino shrugged, shifting the shifter into Park. "Ask me out!" Ino demanded and Yoongi rolled his eyes. Ino stood up, throwing a leg over the gear shifter and settled into his lap, Yoongi narrowed his eyes, wrapping an arm around her waist.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her fingers in his hair. "Invite me" she repeated for the umpteenth time and leaned down closing the distance between their lips. "Will you go on a date with me?" Yoongi asked quietly, lowering his gaze to her lips. "Yes" Ino smiled and brought their lips together, sliding her tongue into his mouth. Yoongi grunted, pressing her hard, deepening their kiss.

Yoongi cupped her thigh, his other hand caressing her back, Ino pressed against his chest, rubbing against his aroused cock. "Take us back" Ino moaned and Yoongi smirked. Without bothering to look, he shifted into reverse, holding the steering wheel lightly and released the brake, causing the car to slowly reverse.

Ino got out of the car with her back to the door, waiting for Yoongi to catch up. He picked her up and she wrapped herself around him as he walked back into the house and up the stairs. The two of them couldn't keep their lips from each other, Yoongi kicked open his bedroom door and brought her in, tossing her onto the bed.

Ino giggled, crawling up to the middle of the bed. Yoongi quickly removed his shirt, climbing onto the bed and looming over her. "Are you sure, baby, because once I start I won't stop?" Yoongi asked and she smiled, reaching up and peck his lips.

"Stop and we'll see if I can kill" Ino smirked against his lips and Yoongi growled, pressing her body against the mattress. The kiss was violent, urgent, but with each passing second, it was as if he was trying to break the thermometer.

Both uninhibited, sure of themselves and their desires, their clothes covered the floor in record time as Yoongi explored with his lips and tongue every part of her newly exposed body.

Ino tried to dominate, flipping him onto his back, she straddled him leaving her mark on his neck and shoulders. Yoongi only gave her a few minutes of freedom, then she was pinned with her back against the headboard of the bed, sitting on his lap, head thrown back, moaning with every suck and lick.

Yoongi pulled back for a moment, looking appraisingly at the purple-blue marks that ran down from her neck to her chest, satisfied, he smirked, cupping her in his arms. Ino rested her head against the wall behind the bed, her eyes darkening lustfully, her lips swollen from his kisses forming a proud smile as she looked at him in turn.

"I guess I don't have a choice anymore?" he chuckled. "None, little one, you already bear my brand and you are mine alone!" Ino giggled, he cupped her hips roughly and she let out a moan as he lowered her onto his cock, completing his mark.

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