14. The head of the Lee family

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"Are you ready?" Yoongi took her hand and she looked at him. "I think so" he turned to her and cupped her face, staring into her eyes. "Min Nico, you are the strongest and bravest woman I know" he pecked her lips gently.

"I'm sure your father is proud of you and I'm even more sure that when we get inside in a little while and you're up against those two bastards, you'll rip their balls off with the ease with which you stole my heart" Nico smiled at him. Yoongi wasn't the most talkative man in the world, but when he opened his mouth, he knew exactly what to say to her.

"Don't forget you're not alone and that I love you, okay?" she nodded. "I love you too, YonYon" he nodded, kissed her once more, looked at the group behind them and took her hand, leading her inside the mansion.

“That’s it, Dad, I promise the Lee family will last!” Nico thought, looking at Yoongi's hand tightly gripping hers, giving her the strength she needed.

It had been two months since Nico had managed to get her father's will back. Two months during which they were systematically attacked, even in the mansion. Namjoon, Taehyung and Yoongi were injured even now.

In the process of gathering evidence against the Gyo family, Nico had contacted all of her father's trusted people, including his lawyer, arranging the meeting that Bangtan was currently walking towards, led by Min Yoongi and his wife.

Nico had had to prove several times that she was the daughter of Lee Tasso, whose body JHope had arranged for to be found and given a proper burial. Nico had suffered a second meltdown at the funeral and almost attacked Lee Manor alone.

For the past few days, she hadn't stopped thinking about how exactly she got here. She couldn't believe that the last moments she spent with her father, before Ki attacked her on the bridge over the Han River and she lost her memory, were scandals over an arranged marriage.

Yet here she was, hand in hand with her husband, another arranged marriage, but the man was different, he made her happy, showed her love in his own way, supported her, and she was sure that despite the war between Bangtan and Lee before, her father would have favored her choice.

“Miss Lee” her father's lawyer bowed respectfully, eyeing Yoongi and the others suspiciously. "Mr. Yon, nice to see you." Nico smiled and sat down in the chair across from her father's desk, now usurped by a man posing as Lee Tasso.

"Niko, daughter, what do we owe this meeting to, dear" she raised an eyebrow. How dare this scoundrel continue this travesty, even in her presence and that of her father's men who were currently gathered behind him and Ki standing on his right.

"And why are these bastards with you?" Ki asked spitefully. “Four months ago, there was a theft at Bang Technology Corporation” Namjoon stood on her left while Yoongi stood on Nico's right, hands on his chest. "Why does this bother us?" Ki asked coldly.

"A 10D prototype was stolen for military purposes. The prototype acts as a type of printer, modeling advanced silicone fabric that is used for masks that would otherwise be impossible to make in detail" Namjoon continued.

"Masks, like the one on your face, Mr. Lee, or should I say Gyo Siam?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow and Nico chuckled at the confused expression on her father's people. "Let me show you" she turned to Yoongi who in turn nodded to Jungkook.

Jimin and Taehyung made sure to grab and pin Ki as Jungkook moved closer and stood against Gyo Siam. He turned his chair so that he was pinching his knees between his and unceremoniously pulled his collar down, fumbling with it.

His fingers unmistakably found the edge of the mask and he removed it from Siam's face in one swift motion. "This is the mask we're talking about" Yoongi announced, all eyes on the silicone, now badly misshapen mask in Jungkook's hand, who held it high, still clutching Siam's collar.

"Gyo Siam killed my father, right after Ki tried to kill me, obviously failed!" Nico stood up, leaning over and resting her hands on the desk. “And then he used Bang Technology Corporation's invention to occupy and seize power over the Lee family.” she gritted her teeth, looking indifferently at Siam's hateful gaze.

"The two planned to declare Ki as Lee's heir by fabricating an adoption. The problem is that the rightful heir, gentlemen, is still alive!" Nico growled, her eyes turning to Ki. "Families will never accept a woman as their leader!" Lee hissed snidely and Nico shrugged.

"A woman maybe not, but her husband will accept" Nico smirked and turned back to her father's people. "I am Min Nico, daughter and heiress of Lee Tasso, Min Yoongi's wife and sole legitimate heir of the Lee family!" Nico lifted her head proudly.

"And as such, I declare Min Yoongi as my sole heir and the new leader of the Lee family!" she looked at the evil faces of the father and son Gyo. “And this time you won't get a chance to kill him” Yoongi's arm slid around her waist and she looked up at him.

"They're yours my love" Nico smiled and Yoongi leaned in, locking their lips. The Gyo's were brought out and locked up, awaiting the verdict of the new head of the family. Lee's people had no choice but to accept the new power, especially since Nico officially declared Yoongi as her husband and deputy.

The will and marriage certificate had done their job and now Yoongi was in possession with his wife standing at his right shoulder watching proudly as her husband took over with ease.

The news swept the underworld like a tsunami. Lee Tasso had a daughter, she was married to one of his greatest enemies and the Bangtans ruled the Lee family, ruling and joining the forces of the two mafia families.

"Are you okay, little one?" Yoongi hugged her tightly, pressing her back against his chest, he brushed her hair back placing a few kisses on her neck. "Yeah, I'm still taking the news" she looked over her shoulder at him and smiled, bringing her lips to his.

"I'm proud of you Min Nico" he turned her towards him and she wrapped her arms around his neck brushing her nose. "I love you, YonYon" he leaned down and gently touched their lips, his tongue moistening her bottom lip before entering her mouth, heating up their kiss.

"I love the taste of you baby, it's like I'm tasting the best chocolate in the world" Yoongi smirked against her lips, picking her up in his arms and carrying her to the bed. "Mhmmm" Nico purred and Yoongi covered her, propping himself up on his elbows.

"The King and the beggar " Nico whispered cupping his face. "You're anything but a beggar, baby!" he pecked her lips, smoothing the hair at her temple. "You're the greatest bet I've ever won" he kissed her right cheek first and then her left.

"Did they really pay you half a million?" laughed Nico, rubbing her nose against his. "Shit, of course! You think I'd let them get away with it?" Yoongi snarled, leaning against her neck.

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