Tomorrow morning arthur, plus 3 old men fighting in the rice isle of tesco.

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The fighting in the rice isle of tesco had me dying because my parents, aunts uncles everyone does it and it almost always goes like this.

Hmm that's warm, what is that, light, fucking light fuck off.

This was the thought process of England as he stole the remnants of the blanket not already on him to cover his eyes against the light of morning.

The Gilbert next to him, in his sleep was muttering what sounded like military commands, something his brothers had confirmed and recorded, was a thing he did too, but upon the stealing of the blanket he, very pathetically if I may add, whined "Get your cold fucking feet off me you God forsaken fucking frost gremlin and give me the damn blanket."

Gilbert grabbed the blanket back and put it on himself because it was all of 2 degrees outside the blanket and he would rather not freeze to death today.

In his quarter lucid state, Arthur thought.

He had the blanket, which means he will be warm, which means if I snuggle I will be warm.

Flawless logic you've got there mate, flawless logic, so he snuggled, very, very close. Gilbert wasn't exactly the most muscular dude, not anymore at least, and most considered him a little scrawny and under fed, but it seemed pretty soft to sleepy Arthur, so he snuggled in nice and deep.

Gilbert also got the nice addition of having a nice little heat pack attached to his chest, snoring quietly, but those fucking feet.

He really needs socks his feet are so fucking cold.

In this sleepy state, neither really realised that either was snuggling the other, sleep tends to make you forget stuff, I can say first hand.

But when Matthew, another insomniac in a family of them, found them, both usually being people that woke pretty early, if they slept at all, still asleep at about 9 in the morning, he could not resist snapping a photo of it because d a m n.

But everyone was awake now, an oddity for sure, and they were hungry, the groceries from yesterday had almost been depleted and they ate what they could from the bare cupboards and the sad looking pantry.

Beans on toast was what they all ate, but as previously mentioned, everyone here ate much more than a normal human would do so, mainly due to them being nations, and also  because people like Alfred were constantly hungry, they were just built a bit different.

So he woke the two sleepy bastards, with great difficulty I might add, Gilbert woke up easily enough and gave him a look that very clearly said "We don't talk about this if you want to have your kidneys inside you and not outside you."

While the rare times England actually slept, he slept hard, and waking him up was a difficult task, both managed to do it, and when he realised that that "thing" he had been cuddling to all night was Gilbert, he also gave Matt a look that said "Shut up or I will show you why both the devil and I wear red."

And Gilbert a look that said "We will discuss this later."

This was only managed to be conveyed through looks because the Germanics as a whole had gotten very good at non verbal communication, because whatever communication was actually achieved, was usually incredibly filtered and a bit too formal.

"Dad wake up theres no more food again."

"How? Didn't we just get food yesterday?"

"Yea but we have 14 people now and we eat enough for at least 20."

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