⚠️- Gluttony -🌀

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A blooming red rose cannot compare to thee, my dear,
Know that I am without breath in the presence of thy passion.
In death, my darling, thou shall not be up above,
So let us lay amongst his bed of carnal sin.

My dear, where pleasure meets thy fears,
The end is tied by yarn woven with our freakish lust.
Though worry not, for I shall dry your flowing tears,
Know that to you I give my eternal trust.

Even if the flames of hell await for thee,
The light from thou's heavenly smile in my mind shall linger.
Your touch is like the tasteful fruit fallen from a lifeless tree,
For its you I let fill my sinful hunger.

"Until death do us part"
You said as I carved out your still beating heart


Achilles_Jane original sonnet

Word count: 135
Date written: 17/10/2022

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