Episode 31: Confrontation

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Episode 31: Confrontation

Christopher was already mentally preparing himself for the cold weather waiting outside. Looking through his office windows, he could see the heavy gray clouds which enshrouded the city. Rain drizzled with light consideration. Personally, he hated every time it did. The combination of lighting and thunder was something that brought back bad memories for him. They were ones that reminded him he could lose anything precious to him within in a flash of a moment's time.

Shaking off the grim thoughts, Christopher went and grabbed his coat.

The writer was done for the day.

Despite his fatigue, the man couldn't suppress the flushed face of a woman that manifested within the haze of his mind.

He looked down at his phone hopelessly, expectantly...pathetically.

There were no new notifications.

Damn it, he thought, uncharacteristically.

Leslie still hadn't called or messaged him.

He wanted to give her some recognition for having a backbone about something like this for the first time since he had known her. That may seem awful at the first glance, but it was clear she wasn't taking herself for granted and for some reason, her knowing her worth made him proud.

It wasn't a secret that he knew someone like him didn't deserve someone as utterly perfect as she was.

Because in his eyes, she was.

Leslie Quinn was the most beautiful encumberment in his life.

She was the one thing he never anticipated that continued to floor him, and for so many reason, he couldn't complain about it.

However, the fact that she had kept up her disappearance act simply meant that her disappointment with him was just as tangible.

It ate Christopher up on the inside to know that she carried any sort of negative feelings like that for him. He was always used to her cheeky smiles, physical touch and intelligent mouth. Without those, his world no longer had the strength to stay on its axis. He knew he had to act fast before he lost her for good.

But how...? He considered in exasperation.

It wouldn't be the first time a woman complained about his lack of communication. Moreover, about how his nonchalance to arguments which made him out to be a total asshole.

It wasn't that he meant to be one—it's just that during cases like these his words didn't come out as coherently as they would in his mind...nor on paper. It was like he was the world's fastest car but there was no gas in it; simply making him a useless machine of a man.

"Just appear in front of her and show her you still care, dimwit." He mumbled to himself a million times but his body always found something else to do.

His mind went along with it and buried himself in work.

He was successful because it was now overtime for work and he was still here in the building.

Back to an insipid mundane life without her, he thought miserably.

Just as he turned his office lights off, made it out the door, he stumbled into somebody.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see—"


His apology was cut short by the smooth, feminine voice which he had been used to in the past.

He looked up to see Marley standing before him.

Why her of all people? He bristled in annoyance.

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