end part 2: bailed out?!

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The next morning y/ns pov:

I woke up and went to the common area where i saw suna

"Did it work?"

"No but I'm going to call suga my cousin to bail me out then ill call get you out i promise baby"

"Ill just call my sister you dont need to worry about me just focus on getting yourself out"

"Are you sure?"

"Im positive  now go make your phone call "

"Fine fine "

I walked over to the phones and called sugawara.

"Hello? Sugawara speaking "

"Hey suga"

"Y/n? How have you been"

"Well ya see im kinda in jail right now"

"What did you do?!"

"Uhm id rather not talk about it right now. I was wondering if you could maybe bail me out?"

"I could... But I wont."

"What why?!"

"You do the crime you do the time"

"Wow i thought you would help me"

"Im sorry y/n but i can't you need to take responsibility for your actions."

"Ugh yeah yeah i can literally feel the teacher in you"

"Oh shush i have to go I have papers to grade goodbye y/n"

"Bye suga"

He hung up and i asked for another phone call and got it. This time i called sunas sister


"Hey this is sunas girlfriend"

"Oh y/n hey"

"Do you mind bailing out suna?"

"It'd be suspicious so i cant. Im sorry"

"Then can you ask someone else i would really appreciate it."

"Ill see what i can do "

"Thank you so much"

"Yeah no problem "

We hung up and i walked back to suna.

"I talked to your sister"

"What'd she say?"

"Shes going to try to get you out at some point."

"But what about you"

"I'll be fine. Now only think about yourself. Okay you will get out of here"

"Y/n im not leaving without you"

"If you get the opportunity you will"

He pulled my close and gave me a hug. It was comforting i smiled a little

"You are the best boyfriend i could ask for suna rintaro i love you"

"I love you too y/n"

"Lets go eat"

He nodded and we walked to the eating area. We got our food and sat down across from each other. We talked about how crazy it is that i still fell for him even after he kidnapped me. It really is a crazy world. I wonder why i fell for him again. We knew each other from highschool. But i stopped liking him a little while before mine and samus wedding. I do still miss samu he was a really good guy. He would be so disappointed in me if he found out im in jail let alone with his killer... Maybe i shouldn't be with him... I mean the odds of him getting out are higher then me. But i can break up with him before he gets released... But i dont want to i really do love him.. what if he kills more people because im not with him i know hes crazy so i cant leave im stuck here with him till the day i die... I wont complain but its still a little scary.


I blinked and looked at haru standing in front of me.

"We have to talk"

"Oh alright."

I got up and walked with haru to the back of the room.

"You're being released on bail."

"Wait what?! Who payed for it?!"

"Atsumu "

What the hell... Tsumu?.. why would he want to bail me out. I dont understand will he kill me? Whats going to happen..

"Is suna also bailed out"

"I cant tell you that"

"Please haru"

"No he wasn't.."

"Fuck.. thanks haru"

"No problem take your time to say goodbye"

I walked over to suna and gave him a kiss.

"I got bailed out..."

"Im so happy for you y/n! Now you can live your life"

"What about you...."

"Ill be fine in here. I promise"

"Ill find a way to get you out. Im not living without you"

"You will y/n i did this to myself."

"I dont care you're coming with me"

The guards walked over to us and told me it was time to go. I gave him one final kiss and left the jail. Once i was outside i looked around and saw atsumu leaning on a tree in his officer uniform.

"Ah y/n you're finally here"


"Why don't you thank me."

"Sunas not out so i don't think so"

"Ouch if samu were here he'd be so hurt"

"Well hes not"

"Heh you're right. But what if I told u otherwise."

"What the hell do you mean"

"Find out for yourself"

yandere suna x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now