chapter 2 forgive and forget

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Isabella's Pov.

I think he was in shock. Dustin remained quite for such a long time I wasn't sure what to say. Dustin surprised me again. He hugged me and whispered in my ear I swear this boy is going to give me whiplash. He held me so close, worse thing I enjoyed it. I enjoyed being in his arms the smell of him feeling his arms around me. I should hate him, shouldn't I? The moment of silence ended it was broken when he whispered in my ear......

* Its going to be alright. No mater what i'm here ok.

* Ok.

* Did you tell your mom and dad yet.

* No. I thought it be best to tell you first.

* Do you have any ideas on what to do next.

* Why?

* Just.

I started to pull away, but he held on tighter.

* No. I know what your trying to say. You want to know if I will terminate my pregnancy.

* No that is not what I'm saying. I don't run from my responsibility's. I would never ever ask you to do that. I want this baby. Yeah we didn't plan it but it's here it's ours. Look I know I did you wrong I fucked up. But we will face it together.

* Together?

* Yes together. You are my girl always have been we're in this now. I'm sorry.

* What about your friends, and Hillary.

* My friends are cool. Hillary can go fuck her self for all I care. Trust me she wont have trouble finding my replacement.

* I'm scared.

* Don't be. I wont leave you. Your my good girl.

He took my hand and we walked out of that vacant class room into the now crowded hall way. His friends all stared, but not Hillary she came right up to us and tried to pull me away from him.

Dustin quickly pushed me behind him placing him self in front of us.

* Hill stop it's over.

* No. Shes a nobody.

* Hill don't make a seen. Bella is my girl friend, you know this.

* Since when?

* Hill for the last past two year's.

* No you dumped that loser.

* You know what? this is stupid I don't owe you shit. Seriously Hillary this is unbecoming of you.

It makes you look desperate.

With that said he pushed her out of the way and walked me to class.

* Hey babe wait for me after class. I'll come and get you so we can walk together ok.

* Yeah ok.

And with that he was gone. I walked into class still confused. What just happened? One moment I'm in love the other I'm crying over him, and then just like that he's back. We're back.


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The next few days were great. Dustin resumed our old routine he picked me up in the mornings for school. We were just like we were before. I loved Dustin and he loved me. Hillary stayed away after Dustin spoke to her, but it didn't stop the evil stare's, his friends they were ok I mean i just keep to my self and they pay me no mind. Dustin's so sweet when we are alone he kisses my belly and speaks to our baby. I am almost three months and i still have not told my parents. we planed on doing it this weekend. After Dustin's game his parents barbecue my parents and I are attending. We will be telling them both that day.

The day before the big game Dustin had practice he didn't want me to walk home so he asked me to wait for him. We made are way to the bleacher's.

* Are you scared.

* Of what. The game or our parent's?

* Both.

* The game is in the bag I'll run circle's around those fool's. Of our parent's a little. You?

* Yes. I'm terrified. I hate thinking they will be disappointed in me.

* Look I told you we will do this together. We are a team, got it.

* Yeah I guess.

* This baby and you are all that matter to me. We will be strong together. Whats that saying? United we stand. Divided we fall.

* Your so funny.

* Will you be board.

* No silly i got my book.

* Ok i'll just get this over with and come get you after practice. Ok.

* You are so cute when your goofy like this.

* Goofy huh so you think the father of your baby is goofy. Come here you.

He pulled me in for a hug and kissed me before running in to change for practice. I made my way up the bleachers to the top, in were i sat and pulled out my book from my back pack. Engulfed in my reading i was sure this practice would go by like nothing.


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