chapter 5 understanding

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Isabella's Pov.

I woke up in a bright white room. I was in and out of consciousness my eye lids felt heavy. Where was I what happened I felt sore all over. I tried to focus I saw my mom standing close to my father his arms where wrapped around her.

* Mom. Dad what happened. Where am I ?

Mom stepped up to the edge of the bed and took my hand while dad put his hand on his face turning from me. Was he crying?

* Darling you had an accident

In that moment memories flashed through my mind the fall Hillary my.......

* Mom my baby.

My mother embraced me and my father rushed to our side he was crying. I never saw my father cry. Here we where crying over the lost life a life we never got know my baby my love. The door flew open and there he was. That Luke guy from school who never talked to any one staring at us he looked haunted, lost, angry what was he doing here why was he looking at me so intensely.

* Pregnant you were pregnant

Who the hell did he think he was? To be asking me anything. Storming in here like he had some right. I was angry confused this was my pain so I took it out on him and I yelled at him....

* Get out! Get out! Just leave. What is wrong with you have some respect.

M* Bella honey stop.

* No tell him to leave to GET OUT!

D* No Bell's this young man saved your life if it wasn't for him we would of lost you. He found you.

In that moment we stared at each other I saw so much pain in his eyes. But why? How did he find me?

* Yeah well he should of left me there. Luke...right.. you should of let me there to die. I'd rather be dead!

He stood there for what seemed like forever ever just staring at me. Before he turned away and walked out of that room I think I saw a tear's in his eyes and a tear drop fall.


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Luke's Pov.

How could she. She gave her self to another how could fate let that happen she was my mate. She was made for me. Look at me a fool. The Great Alpha fool. Even now with this built up anger all I can do is think of her and want to be by her side. I couldn't stop blaming my self. If I wasn't so mad at my dad for sending me to that school maybe I would of noticed her made her love me not fall for that Jack ass jock. Now she hate's me.

* Son I'm sorry my daughter doesn't know what she is saying she's in pain. The loss of a child is enough to drive anyone crazy. I know. I'm her father just the thought of almost losing her was enough to feel like my world was over, and knowing my baby is suffering just tears me apart. I can't understand why she never said anything. I love my daughter and always felt that she knew she could trust us that we would always be there no matter what. I will always be great full to you for saving her life. Is there anything you want, need or just anything I can do to show you my gratitude for saving my daughter's life.

* No sir I am the one that should be apologizing I should of never barged in like that

* Why did you? that sound's off I mean where you and my daughter friends

* No. We didn't really talk I saw her around school, your daughter just always seemed so shy. I guess when I walked by the room and heard she had lost a baby it shocked me.

* Yeah shocked you well you can imagine how we felt.

Her father was a nice man we talked for a while, he really seemed to love his family.

Dustin's Pov.

Walking into the locker room to wash up and change I new I should hurry up. Bell's would be waiting she must be board out of her mind. Making my way up to the other end of the field. I looked toward the bleachers they where empty, where was she? She was nowhere to be found . I figured she got board and walked home or maybe she went to the rest room pregnant woman go more often. After waiting for a bit I decided to call her Cell but there was no answer so I walked over to my car when i saw Hillary. Hillary approached me.

* Hey lover

* Hey Hill

* So that little angel of your's made you cry yet

* Hill what are you babbling about

* Well aren't we angry. Don't get angry at me I'm not the one that left with that hunk Luke.

* What the fuck are you saying

* I'm saying your girl left with Luke in his car. But don't take my word for it ask the girls in my squad they all saw him practically running with her in his arm's.


okay so just finished this entry how you lie them apples well hope you like it still weak so please be patient with me.

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A twist in faithOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora