Chapter 8 here we go again

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Isabella's Pov.

It had been two weeks since I lost my baby I had tried to contact Dustin to no avail he just wasn't picking up. After loosing the baby I honestly just didn't care if he answered or not. I was depressed not the kind you get when you get dumped I went through that this was much more deeper this left you dead inside hollow. I know it hadn't been long I didn't have a chance to hold my baby; but I knew it was there and it gave me my strength, and now I'm empty and alone. Funny thing through all this I gained a friend who would of thought Luke.

Phone rings.......

I*. Hello.

D*. Hello hello is that all you have to say......

I*. What is your problem.I've been calling you. You just don't answer.

D*. Yeah calling me when. When you took off after practice...

I*. What I waited for you if I left it was because.....

D*. Because what because Luke had a better offer.

I*. What does Luke have to do with it. What are you talking about?

D*. Luke you mean the guy you left with. Oh here how about where have you been.

I*. I was in the hospital I .......

D*. You what what! And who was with you? Just tell me was he there was Luke with you?

I*. What? Dustin please. I lost the baby. Im not well.

D*. You lost the baby my baby? ....... Was he with you?

I*. Yes I mean no he came to visit but its not like that he was just....

D*. Just STOP! was the baby even mine was it or did you lose it on purpose so that you and Luke...

I*. Enough I've had it just stop already you have no right to accuse me of any thing I didn't do any thing wrong how dare you think that I would kill my baby how dare you....

D*. You know what fuck you. Better that way. Who the fuck wants to be with you.

And with that he hung up. I stood their staring at the blank screen. I thought to my self I can't do this any more I can't hurt for him he's not worth it was he always this mean. He didn't listen to a word I said his mind was made up about me before he even called. I won't shed another tear not for him I've lost to much already. Luke oh Luke I really need you right now. What if I called him. No I couldn't do that it's selfish of me he's done enough. I can't believe Dustin accusing me with Luke before the fall I never even talked to him I mean I'd seen him around but we never; I should tell him what Dustin said. No maybe not it will just make it worse.


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Luke's Pov.

It's been a few hours since I seen her and talked to her. I stood in the shadows of her back yard staring at her window I could feel her pain.

I can't explain it the more I spent with her the more I needed to be near her. I shifted into my human self an stood there naked looking down on the shorts I carried in my muzzle. I slipped on my shorts reached into my pocket for my phone and automatically dialed her number it was as if she was expecting my call she answered on the first ring.

I*. Luke.

L*. Hey I know it's late I was just you know wondering how your feeling and well are going to school on Monday.

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