A twist in faith

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Isabella's Pov

My name is Isabella, I'm the only child of Maria and Dario De Angelo. Today is a great day it's My two year anniversary. I woke up early got dolled up took my time on my make up and hair. Deciding it was still early I made my self breakfast while waiting for My boy friend Dustin to pick me up. It was getting later and Dustin was still not here I tried his cell and straight to voice mail. He must of over slept I thought to my self so I grabbed my keys and drove my self to school.

I made it to school just before the last bell, I noticed a few stares some whispering I guess it was alittle weird, but what ever. The day went on the same until lunch I looked for Dustin in between classes had not seen him yet everything today is just getting so strange. I finally spotted him so I walked up to him expecting him to embrace me but instead he snickered as I approached him. I don't get it what is up with him.

Hey babe. I waited for you this morning. Did my baby over sleep?

Excuse you. Are you talking to me? Look I don't know what you think we have going on but it ain't that special.

What. What are you saying? Your joking right, it's not funny. Stop acting like this.

Isabel right? Look don't take it personal. You were just a piece of ass.

I felt so out of place this was not happening I could not speak as I stared at this ... This stranger who now replaced my sweet loving boy friend. This was not Dustin. I stood there in shock I was beside my self , the silence was broken by every body's laughter. The joke was on me it was called my life. I can't even recall when I left, I could here some one crying stupid girl it was me, I was crying. Next thing I knew I was laying in my bedroom floor curled in a fetal position crying my eyes out why every thing was so good.

Mom came home that evening she called out to me, when I didn't respond she came in to check on me. Mom kneeled on the ground next to me, how I managed to lie to her I don't know. I told her I left school early cause I wasn't feeling well, she felt me for a fever. I was a little warm but ok, I told her it was my stomach I must of cought a bug. She made me tea and I got into bed and cried my self to sleep.


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Isabella's Pov

The light came through my window waking me up, when all I wanted to do was stay in bed. Mom suggested I stay home no argument here, I was not ready to see any ones face. I looked at the clock it was only 7:30 am my stomach was growling but I had no appetite and my body ached. I finally made it out of bed I saw my reflection in the mirror " who was I ?" I wasn't the same girl I was broken.

Two years ago I was invisible, I was a quiet simple girl I kept to my self I loved to read and spent most of my time in the library. One day while walking to class Dustin bumped into me my books were all over the floor I quickly started to pick them up when he started to hand them to me, but it didn't end there after we had all my books he took them from me and walked me to class. I was in heaven the most handsome guy in school besides Lucas of coarse, Lucas is the dark brewing type Dustin he's wow the good looking good guy at least I thought, boy was I wrong. See my life did a one eighty Dustin he asked me to be his girl for a year we dated kissed held hands nothing more that is until my sixteenth birthdate that's when I proved my love to him I gave up my V card, he was so gentle it was sweet rose petals candles, it was perfect. It seems it took Dustin a year to win a bet he screwed the unscrew able, then he stuck around to enjoy his prize for a year more until he got tired of the same piece of ass. Sadly that piece of ass was me Isabella De Angelo.

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