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irl !

THE TRIPLETS KNOCKED multiple times on dorothea's front door before someone greeted them.

"hey guys" colette smiled.

"colie, hi" matt smiled as a tint of blush appeared on his cheeks.

as matt kept staring at colette, chris playfully nugded him in the rib.

"right" he mumbled. "is dj up in her room?"

"yeah she is come on" colette said, leading the three boys to dorothea's room.

dorothea was your average teenager girl in her break-up phase. tissues were everywhere on the floor, she had candy wrappers on her bed and her starbucks drink on her bedside table.

as she heard footsteps by her door, she quickly opened her tv on gilmore girls.

"bro don't you clean your room? " chris asked while walking in.

"how did you get in?" she rubbed her nose on her sleeve.

"matt's girlfriend let us in"

"she's not my girlfriend" matt sighed in disbelief.

"for now she isn't" nick replied, being the last one to walk in dorothea's room.

"what do you guys have in your hands?" she sniffled.

" taco bell" nick smiled.

"fine come on"

the three boys placed their food on her little coffee table infront of her tv. they all sat on the bed, surrounding dorothea. they kept stairing at her like some sort of ghost.

"why are you guys staring at me like that? you guys are freaking me out" she said.

"are you okay?" nick asked.

"im great. i mean, you bought me my favorite fast food place. i completely forgot about the break-up honestly" she stated with a small frown.

a short silence came across the whole room as she mentioned her break-up. the girl looked at each of triplet before bursting out in tears. nick went next to her and gave her a hug while she's sobbing on his sweatshirt.

"that bad then? damn" chris mumbled as matt proceded to give him a minor slap on the chest.

"chris" nick gave him a look. "how bad is it thea?" he asked.

she properly sat down, with a box of tissues that matt handed to her earlier.

"well we got into a fight about chris" she started.

"he always has my name in his moutth bro needs to remove it from his vocabulary" he rolled his eyes.

"anyways" she continued. "so we fought about chris and then out of nowhere he told me that he knew that chris and i dated before by snooping through my phone and gave me an ultimatum"

"an ultimatum of what?" matt asked.

"he told me that either i chose him or i chose chris and he ends our relationship"

"and who did you choose?" chris questionned, earning two looks of disbelief by his brothers.

"i chose neither of you" thea said, noticing nick and matt's looks. "then alex found me crying hysterically on the ground" she slightly chuckled.

"oh thea" matt hugged her.

"but it's okay i guess. i mean it was starting to get toxic anyways so it's good that it ended like that" she sighed, pulling away from matt.

yet, another silence came across the room.

"you still have feelings for him?" chris blurred out.

"well duh" she stated. "he broke up with me fourteen hours ago"

as soon as someone stopped talking, a silence kept coming back.

"so what should we do?" nick asked.

"watch disney movies"

"make tiktoks"

"i don't know"

nick sighed in disbelief as the other three laughed at him.

alicia speaks 💵

kinda wanted to get a chapter out but im gonna try and put of some more in the following weeks


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