Steve's Girl

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Word Count- 1.5k
Warning- drugs, fluff

Since turned story, check out Steve's Girl |not for long| if you want the extended version, it'll end up being 20+ chapters with a more intercate story line, refined chapters, additional relationship development and much more smut. Thanks for reading!


Your life isn't the most spectacular, pretty much your run of the mill anxious teenager, but at least you had one thing going for you, you're dating Steve "The Hair" Harrington. (Season 1 Steve) 

Your relationship wasn't perfect, he could be an ass at times but you liked having someone to spend your time with. The sex was okay but your anxiety normally ruined intimate things like that for you. Especially when rumours of Steve cheating started to circle around the school.

After confiding in a friend, she suggested you try smoking weed to help calm your nerves. Maybe now you could have sex with Steve without thinking about him and other girls, maybe now you could sleep without worrying where your boyfriend was and who he could be with.


Eddie Munson, Hawkins High resident drug dealer and local freak. You had nothing against the man as you chose to not believe rumours until you had proof and the rumours of him being a freak didn't add up.

He seemed sweet, maybe a little chaotic but not a freak. 

Seeing him in the cafeteria one day, you quietly walked over and leaned down into his ear to speak.

You'd never been so close to him before, you couldn't help but admire him while you were so near. Just being in his presence made your body flush with excitement.

Why the fuck is this happening to me

He smelt like weed and a woodsy cologne, taking in a deep breath before you spoke your heart fluttered.


You softly spoke as you leaned down to his ear

Leaning back in his chair he groaned 


"I um…I need to buy some stuff from you."

Without saying a word he writes a note and slips it into your hand as he returns to his conversation with his friends.

Picnic table in the woods, east of the school @4pm

He had no idea who you were, seeing you around school occasionally attached to Steve's arm, he assumed you were just another one of Steve's bimbos.

Though he couldn't help but reminisce the last few minutes. A knot twisted in his gut as you whispered his name 


Your soft tone and breathy words did something to him that he didn't expect. Sitting with his friends at the lunch table, he couldn't get you out of his head.


With the last bell of the day ringing through the air, you made your way to the Picnic table tucked in the woods, just east of the school.

It was quiet, secluded,

 honestly a pretty good place for a drug deal

you laughed to yourself as you got comfortable.


You're early

Patiently waiting for Eddie to arrive, you immersed yourself in a book while you sat on the edge of the table, legs swinging, you fingered through the pages.

Eddie Munson Imagines and One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now