Steve's Girl Pt.5 🔞

5.5K 61 19

Word Count- 4.9k
*Smut Warning*
Warning- slightly Dom Eddie if ya squink real hard, praise kink, I dunno 🤷‍♀️ masterbation since that's all these two can currently do


The sky darkened as evening fell. Laying on your bed, legs kicking in the air, you impatiently watched the phone on your night stand, waiting for it to ring.


He should call any minute

Across town Eddie paced back and forth in his room, nervously fiddling with his guitar pick necklace, watching the clock, waiting for the arms to land on 8pm.

The moment he arrived home his nerves bubbled as he tried to think of what to say on the phone. Yeah you guys were friends and see each other nearly every day now, but something felt so much more intimate about a phone call. It was weird, you'd been in much more compromising situations as you got to know each other but this was different.

Sitting there in his boxers and some sort of  black band T shirt, he held the phone on his lap as he sunk into the carpet and pressed his back against the mattress. Anxiously counting down the seconds until 8pm, his eyes shifted between the crumpled piece of paper in his hand and the clock across from him on the wall.

1(555) 869-5555

Running the number through his head, his nerves continued to bubble and soon the clock struck 8pm.

With a deep breath and shaky hand he dialled the number


Never had you picked up the phone so fast in your life, the first dial tone didn't even have time to fully sputter out as you excitedly pulled the phone from its confines.

"Eddie?!" You giggled with excitement as you sat up in bed, holding the phone to your cheek as a grin spread across your face

"Oh geez," he breathed as you startled the poor man, he didnt think youd pick up the call that fast. Quickly regaining his composure he greeted you back "Hey there Sweetheart." You could hear him smile through the phone as you both awkwardly sat there in momentarily silence.

"So… that was fun." You flirted as you recalled the events from earlier that day

"Yes, yes it was," he chucked, feeling himself grow excited as he recounted the images from earlier that day, specifically the image of you on your knees, tongue out, eyes focused on him as you waited to feel his climax slither down your throat.

That was an image that'd forever be etched into his brain.

Adjusting the newly formed bulge in his underwear, he continued "I was hoping we could continue tonight… if you're up for it."

"Well Eddie," you snickered as you tried to tease the man, "you know I'm really busy studying for this Chem. test and you know how distracting you can be." with a dramatic sigh you tried to hold back a laugh as you continued "Oh Eddie, I should probably just stay home"

"Shut up" he giggled, knowing your words were all a ruse to get a rise out of him "if you don't come over here, I'll come over there"

A knot twisted in your gut at the thought. Never had Eddie been to your house, it was too much of a risk. Maybe your mom or siblings would pick up on your social queues or simply the way you looked at the man, and lord forbid Steve showed up to see you two flirting.

Eddie's place was a much safer space, in all regards really. You felt at peace when you were there, it was just so calm, so cozy, you'd live there if you could.

"Eddie you know you can't come over here"

With a quick groan, he took a second to ponder before he quickly spoke.

Eddie Munson Imagines and One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now