Chapter 1

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It was a scenic morning in Gilramore. Like always, everyone in town goes about their daily lives. Fay walked downstairs, already dressed up for the interview. When she came downstairs, she found her mother on the phone with her friend while opening the fridge. Of course, Fay didn't hesitate to greet her mother.

"Good morning, mom!"

Rianne Young turned her back and saw her beautiful daughter all dressed up. "Ah, Fay! I'll get back to you, Ms. Fernsby. And congrats again to you and your new fiancé. " She ended the call with that. "Come and sit now. You'll be late for the interview. "Fay pulled the chair and sat down while her mother served breakfast. "So, Ms. Fernsby is getting engaged. How great it must be for her," Fay said. "I know." Her mother replied. "Saturday this week, I'll be attending. Ms. Fernsby chose me for the role of her bridesmaid. Would you like to join, Fay?"

"Oh, no need, I'm fine. Once I get accepted, you know that work will be pouring in." Fay chuckled. All of a sudden, her tone changed. "I hope they accept me." Her mother noticed that her daughter was feeling down. "Don't worry, Fay. I'm sure they'll take you right away. After all, it is your dream to become a journalist. You can get through this."

Fay thought about it for a few seconds. She sighed and smiled at her mom. "Okay, I got this."

"Alright, that's enough chit-chatting. It's already 9:30. The interview begins at 10:30, so make it quick." Rianne said. After eating, Fay got her bag, said goodbye to her mom, and left the house.


Fay passed through the busy streets of Gilramore. There were a lot of people and cars passing by. Most of the people were getting ready for work. While walking, Fay saw children together with their parents near the town's lake. She stopped to glance at the crystal clear waters of Lake Brosgan. She smiled and continued on her walk.

When she reached the building, she began having second thoughts. "What if they don't accept me? I've always wanted to become a journalist, but what if they won't accept me?" Fay took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I can do this. Don't panic, Fay. " Right then and there, she stepped inside.

Once inside, Fay walked up to the receptionist to ask for directions. "Good morning. I made an appointment for an interview two weeks ago." The lady looked at her before returning her gaze to her computer. "Name?"

"Fay Young."

The lady began scrolling on the computer for about twenty seconds before replying. "Yes, you did make an appointment, Ms. Young." The lady replied. "Fifth floor, turn left, then you will see Mr. Whitlock's office beside the stairs to the sixth floor. Wait till his assistant calls your name. I will inform Mr. Whitlock that you've arrived. "

"Thank you so much," said Fay. After that, Fay did what the woman told her to do. She got on an elevator that held many people. Still, she managed to fit in. One by one, the elevator stopped for the people to get off and go to their respective places, and Fay was the only one left.

When the elevator reached the fifth floor, Fay stepped out and followed what the receptionist had told her. Once she sees the CEO's office, she sits on one of the benches beside the office and waits. Fay was a little bored, so she took a little nap to rest for a few minutes.


"Is Fay Young here?"

Fay immediately woke up from her nap once she heard her name being called by a woman. "Yes, I'm here." Fay stood up and walked into the room. Once inside, the woman pointed to one of the chairs inside the room. "Sit here for a while. I'll go get Mr. Whitlock. " With that, she went into a room.

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