Chapter 2

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"Please don't go, daddy!" A young girl cried out while gripping onto a man's hand.

"I'm sorry, Fay but this for you and your mother's own good. You can bother living without me." The man said as he pushed the little girl to the ground.

Her mother ran to her daughter with little bruises on her arms and legs and held her. "Morgan! Are you out of your mind? You won the lottery and that's it? You're leaving us?" The woman called out to her husband. "Why... why are you doing this?"

The man turned to his wife who held their daughter in her arms. He sighed but did not utter a single word and then turned his back on them. He went inside a car with a another woman waiting for him and they left in a hurry.


For a few moments, everything went black. Silence took over before a voice was suddenly heard.

"Your Highness?"

A voice that sounded deep and calming at the same time. Fay was still unconscious during that time, except for her mind.

"Are you alright? Your Highness?"

Fay opened her eyes. Her sight was blurry, but she could see a man kneeling in front of her. It took a while for Fay to regain her vision. Once she did, a man who didn't look much older than her was kneeling on one leg, looking at Fay. His eyes and hair are black as night and he wore a strange uniform.

Fay sat up. She looked at her arms and legs and noticed that scars were bleeding out of them. She looked behind the man and noticed several other men were there. Riding horses?

She groaned quietly before returning her glance at the man. "W-who are you?" she asked. Her voice sounded tired.

The man in front of her tilted his head in confusion. The other men behind him began whispering. "Quiet down, men," the man said.

He examined Fay's wounds. "You have terribly injured yourself. Do you remember what happened? "

"W-what?" Fay was confused. "Why are you guys cosplaying as soldiers?"

All the men seemed confused. The man in front of Fay raised one of his eyebrows. "I beg your pardon?"

Fay sighed in frustration. "I mean, why are you guys wearing those things? And stop calling me your highness. I'm not some princess. "

Goodness, I wonder how hard she hit her head, the man thought to himself. "You are one?"

"What?" Fay asked.

The man sighed. "And, your highness, this is what we always wear during this generation."

"Stop calling me-" Fay paused for a moment to process what the man had just said. "Wait, did you just say generation?"

The man looked confused. "Yes?"

"What date is it?" Fay asked.

"It's the 5th day of May in 1805," the man replied.

Fay burst out laughing while the men looked at her with puzzlement on their faces. "Stop lying! For real! 1805? Come on you can choose a better year than that."

The man kneeling on one knee raised his eyebrow, "To tell you the truth, I'm not. That's the date today, your highness. You've been missing for roughly five days. "

Fay stared at all the men as her grin slowly faded away. "N-no... That's impossible... How can it be? Am I dreaming? It was supposed to be 2023..."

Fay slowly started getting dizzy, which the man in front of her noticed. "Your Highness?"

The girl immediately fainted as the man tried to call her name.

"Your Highness? Princess Freya? Your Highness! Men, get her back to the castle and bring her to the mage. I will inform the king and queen about this. Now!" 

The man desperately tried to carry the princess along with the help of the others. The man used his horse to let the girl rest on it's back so she could rest well. After that, all of them left immediately.


Fay opened her eyes and sat up, with her vision a little blurry and her head aching. She also had an odd taste at the tip of her tongue. "Ah... W-what happened? W-where am I... What on earth did I eat or drink just now?" Fay looked her arms and legs and noticed that her clothes have been changed and all her scars and bruises have unexpectedly been healed. She looked around the unfamiliar room before she remembered something. 

"Oh no, the eggs! I almost forgot! How long was I gone? Mom is going to freak out and start a search party!" Fay immediately got up and started circling around the room. She snapped her fingers and recalled the strange men whom she encountered earlier. "Was that man, telling the truth? Can it really be 1805? And how on earth did my clothes change?"

Fay began worrying. "Its just a dream right? Falling into some weird portal and that weird guy saying its the 19th century? Oh please! I'm going to pinch myself. That can prove it!" Fay puts her finger on her face. "I...2...3, ouch!" That definitely didn't feel like Fay was dreaming.

As she stood there nervously thinking, she suddenly heard several voices coming from another room. Huh? What was that?


There is a woman dressed up as a servant kneeling down in front of two people, an older man and woman dressed like royals, sitting down on what appears to be thrones. And another man beside the woman's throne was the same man who helped Fay.

"I swear on my life my king! Freya suddenly told me that there were some gnomes trespassing the the royal garden and she told me to immediately go and capture those things," said a maid who looked frantic. "But when I hurriedly went and checked, I found no trace of any gnomes. When I went to inform your daughter, she vanished and I found out she went into the forest! I searched for hours but I found no trace of her! You have to believe me, Your Highness! I do not know how she ended up somewhere that's hundreds of miles away from Vrigaria!"

The man sitting on his throne sighed and turned to his wife who nodded with a smile. "You don't have to pressure yourself, dear." She assured her husband. "Our daughter is found and that is what is more important." The man thought for a moment before turning to the maid.

"Do not fret, Agatha, I already know that you are indeed telling truth." He said. "I will discuss this matter with Freya once she has awoken, you may now return to your work."

The maid smiled. "Thank you so much, Your Grace!" After that, the maid left the room immediately.

The king then turned to the man beside his wife, "As well as you, Hendrix."                                       

The man nodded and left the room as well. The king sighed. "How could Freya do such a thing! We already warned her about the dangers of outside the kingdom. She could've been captured by Davina..." Once the king said that name, chills ran through his spine. "Sirenix! Do not you dare mention something absurd. Freya is safe and home now. We just simply have to ask her why she fled to the woods and once everything is settled down, we can finally discuss about the grand ball, alright?"

The king sighed and smiled. "If you say so, dear."

After the couple's discussion, there was a knock at the door. 

"You may come in," said the queen.

Another servant maid walked inside the room with a nervous expression on her face. She gave a graceful bow in front of the royals. "My king and queen, tis about the princess."

The king and queen looked at each other with concern. "Is that so? What is it about?" The queen asked.

"She has awoken, my queen."

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