Chapter 5

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Out of the darkness, there can be seen a young woman sleeping uncomfortably. She had small bruises on her face and legs. Her hair was messy as if she had never gotten a bath for days.

She suddenly woke up and realized that she was locked inside a cage like an animal. She shook the cage many times and screamed for help. "Let me go this instant! I shall not be treated like this!" The girl screamed. 

"Who are you to lock me in here?! I am Princess Freya, the daughter of King Sirenix and the rightful heir to the throne of Vrigaria!"

All of a sudden, the door burst open which made the young woman stop her complaints. Loud footsteps came inside the room and the person walked up to the cage. The sound of the door suddenly slammed with no one even closing it.

The girl was intrigued by the stranger's appearance. "Are you a witch?" She asked with disgust in her tone.

The mysterious woman smiled. "Well, it is obvious isn't it?"

Freya glared at her. "How long have I been here?"

"Merely five days." The witch answered. "You looked so peaceful in your sleep that I almost thought that you were dead."

"FIVE DAYS?!" Freya shouted back at her.

Freya immediately looked her dead in the eye, "Release me this instant." She said, "Wait until my father-"

"Does what?" The woman asked. "Send his army to rescue you? Your father will only send them to their greatest doom."

The princess was offended by the woman's act towards her. How dare this woman disrespect me and my father, His Majesty the king! Just wait until they find me.

"I know you very well, Your Royal Highness." The woman said. "But let me ask you, do you know who I am?"

When she asked that question, Freya suddenly felt uneasy. But she shrugged it off. "Why am I supposed to know? It's not like you matter anyway."

The woman grinned evilly. "Perhaps, you remember the massacre that happened centuries ago?"

Freya scoffed. "Of course I do."

 "King Vergahn, my ancestor was present at that time. The peasants say that it was the most gruesome and brutal war the whole kingdom has. It was a good thing the Seven Sovereign Wizards and Witches were able to rid of the war. "

"Yes, yes, I know." The woman replied. "But do you ever wonder who caused it?"

"Who? What kind of ridiculous question is that?" Freya asked. Freya thought about it for a moment. When she finally figured it out and before she could give an immediate answer, it immediately struck her. Her terrified expression slowly turned to the woman who was already looking at her with a sinister smile.

The young woman trembled in fear. "You... you are..."

"Davina!" The woman laughed.

"Oh, took you time to finally notice!" The woman said. "Now, not so brave are you now, princess? Considering that you bear no special abillities, what a pity!" Freya's anger rose as the witch continued to mock her.

"You..." Freya mumbled. "I thought you were locked away after all those years ago!"

The witch chuckled. "Hah! Those were only lies made from your timid ancestor to keep his people from absolute fear. Though centuries have passed, your kingdom's power isn't even enough to go against me."

Freya was frightened by the witch. But she isn't going to let her guard down and give up easily. "W-well... I'm sure Ellastro will-"

"Ellastro?" The woman turned to her with such fury in her eyes. "You think that old fool can save you? He can only keep running away from everything like an insolent coward! He and the other weak fools even failed to seal me away centuries ago!"

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