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There's always these things inside me forcing me to go away and run. I want to stop the urge. Like damn.

Just fuckin keep running sunoo.

Keep running.

Do not look back.

I run and run because i can feel jungwon running, trying to chase me. I want to cry because of how im scared so much. I hate it this way.

Why am i doubting about jungwon tho. if i love him, I'll trust him.

I accidentally trip on a rock and fell down into a hole landing me to a ground. A not so deep hole.

I can feel a pain on my chest and well, my feet.

"Baby?!" I heard jungwon call. I can see him at the top.

Deep inside me, i want to get up. Well do i really love you? No, i mean, it should be like..."do you even love me?"

I suddenly felt my own sight getting blurry, soon, i lost consciousness.


You dont trust me anymore sunoo?

Do you still love me?


Will you stay with me if i told you im a vampire? And i crave for a human blood, a pure human blood. And which is what he have.

I want to ask sunoo bout that so bad.

But looking at his own body at the bed, unconcious, made me feel concerned so much.

It's hurting me deep inside.

Sunoo, do you understand my situation? Or will you understand me?

I love you. But can a vampire be with a pure human, with a human thinking, human life and not like mine.

My life, i feel left out. Being a vampire...loneliness...bloods....evilness, being hunted and so things.

I saw how sunoo's eyes open. I run to him and caress his hair softly. "How are you feeling?"

"N-no jungwon, please don't hurt me"


"Y-youre a monster"

"N-no sun, i-im not, why are you saying that?"

"Youre evil!"

I felt my heart clenched in pain. It feels like its being tied up by a rope and the rope being pulled by a people surrounding. But no, fuck.  It was only only sunoo.


I can see tears falling down his eyes, i wipe it off and he just get rid of my hand as if he hates mw so much. Seeing him cry...it kinda makes me feel like that tears are mine. Like i mean, i should have been the one crying. But why would i cry? I should be brave for the sake of this little sunshine infront of me.

"You're killing p-people, a-and i know I'll be part of your victims jungwon! I hate you! I hate you so much!"


That hurts.

Knowing that the person i love thinking i will hurt him and he do hate me. This is the reason why im afraid of telling him about the real me.

Im not trying to hurt you sunoo, i am trying to protect you, cant you see that?...


"Please, stop...im not a monster sun"

I felt my heart tear into pieces, like a puzzle needed to be fixed. And the thing is, he need to stop to fix it again.

I feel evil. Myself, well am i? I was just trying to protect him from humans, is that wrong?

I just want him to stay, only to me. Love only me, only me, is that too much to ask for?

Is that too much?


Come one sunoo...where are you? We've been finding you for over days, im afraid to think that you're gone, like dead...

I feel like i want to cry because he's not with me. I want to know how is he.

"Jake...please...calm down" sunghoon said and apt my head.

"How can i calm down?...my baby, baby sunoo, all the time i treat him like my own little brother ever since his parents left him, now here i am blaming myself because he isn't here, i fucking lost track of him because his hand holding mine, i-i lost h-him, it's all my fault-"

"Shhhh.... its not your fault, im sure he's alive and safe, just focus on studying, the police are doing their job to find him"

"Its not that hoon-"

"Please? We still have exams, we need to study"

I look at him wit his eyes pleading. I wasn't pleased with that to be honest, but what can i do? He's my boyfriend after all.



Sunoo run out of the bed and cover his sight on jungwon with pillow, i know damn well how much he's scared of jungwon now, but oh well, he's just being weak, himself.

"Love, please?, Its me jungwon, im not a monster, and will never be" jungwon please him but. Sunoo just lean on the closet's door. He hug himself and look down.

"Jungwon, im so scared, i know youre just like them! You hurt me! I was so wrong on loving you! All you can give to me was danger! And nothing more, you dont love me, you dont..."

"I do-"


Jungwon held on his chest and walk close to sunoo. Sunoo have no space to walk backwards on. His eyes stays open wide, pleading.

"Do not come near me p-please"

Soon as jungwon is infront of sunoo he pull sunoo for an embrace. He hug sunoo tight, tight but comfortable.

"Believe me or not, i never intend to hurt you"

Jungwon cries on sunoo, he suddenly felt weak making his own body collapse kneeling down infront of sunoo. He hugs the latter, making him face sunoo's waist, he burry his face on it and cry.


There, sunoo realizes how much harsh his own mouth spit out words.

He made his own love cry infront him for the first time.

It is. It is the first time he saw jungwon cry. And there he can feel how much jungwon, with all his heart.

He kneel down on jungwon's level, facing the maiden without nay doubt, he kiss jungwon.

"Im so sorry" jungwon breathes out between the kisses.

"Im very very sorry" the elder saif. Jungwon stood up and so help sunoo to.

Jungwon then collide their lips forming a kiss.

(Yo, why are you reading this on🤔, its not for minors, kidding, aside, might make minor uncomfy, so skip if you feel so, just a kisses lol 😭)

Sunoo kiss him back, he hold on the maiden's wide and broad shoulder, and so the maiden held on his soft cheeks.

"Forget what happened, you are mine, i can take you to me whenever i want to, i will force you to come with me if needed"

"I am all yours jungwon"


Finally another chapter, lol, busy with school, but anyways, were nearly ending! Goodluck on reading! 😜

VAMPIRE'S SWEET DIARY | SUNWON FFWhere stories live. Discover now