It always starts with a girl

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I know i know i was supposed to update yesterday but i had just written a page and well i didn't want to disappoint you guys so i decided to write some more and upload today.

So yeah..i guess i'm back and i've already received some sweet messages from people. Didn't really think people enjoyed my story until i read your messages and few comments. Thank you so much.

"I hate Mondays"

"I hate Mondays"

I kept chanting to myself as I walked towards my locker. I was in a seriously bad mood. I had a bad start in the morning. I woke up late, mom shouted, forgot to drink coffee which just made things worse.

"Heyy" Kim said skipping beside me.

I looked at her sideways and groaned. That look on her face, all bright and smiley just dampened my mood. It's not human to be this happy on a Monday morning that too before 9am.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" she chuckled noticing my mood.

"The fact that it's Monday and my day started with a shitty morning" I said dryly.

"Why what happened?" she asked curiously.

"No coffee" I replied short.

"Damn" she said understandingly.

"So this week was awesome. Me and my brothers......." She started rambling some stuff but I was too dozed off to even listen.

We continued to my locker until we reached it. I tried to open my lock but it wouldn't open. I tried two more times but still no success. Kim was too busy jabbering happy shit, to notice that I was starting to get pissed. Steam was starting to come out through my ears.

"Ok calm yourself and try once again." I muttered to myself. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and opened them again.

Once again I tried to open my look but I still failed.

I lost my shit.

"Aaaaaah" I started screaming and punching my locker. I probably looked like I was high on something. People stopped to stare at me but that didn't stop me. I continued to scream but this time I started kicking my locker too.

Suddenly a pair of tanned arms wrapped around me, locking my arms. I tried to wriggle away but the grip was too strong for me to break through. The person continued to hold me in a tight lock until I calmed down.

When I did the person said "If I let you go now? Will go ape shit again?"

I shook my head and at once the person unwrapped his arms from around me. I turned to see who it was and met with warm brown eyes.

16 and secretly a bad assOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant