Patient on loose

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A/N-So i got messages from few people asking if left the book or not? I actually thought of leaving because i wasn't really getting an inspiration. Votes and comments are the two things that makes a writer to continue writing. It boosts their confidence and inspires them to write more for their fans. Some of your messages were so sweet that i felt like hugging you guys. Thank you alot :*

I stood there watching the man who claimed he hated his daughter, sit by her death bed, holding her hand. I contemplated whether to go inside or not.

I so deep in my thoughts watching them two, that when Kim spoke up I jumped in fright. "Jesus! Stop doing that Kim"

"Whaat? You knew i was behind you." She cried back.

"Who is th-? Well I know he is your grandpa which by the way you never told me about. My actual question is why are we waiting here? Let's get in before someone catches us, I mean you. I can get away but you can't cause you're the patient!"

With my eyes still trained to them I spoke to Kim, making up my mind.

"No, let them be. I'll see her tomorrow morning"

With that I turned around and started making my way back to my room. Kim followed me grumbling all the way back. I chose to ignore her because I had other things on my mind at the moment.

"Are you serious? All the acting for nothing? Dude come on, it would be so much fun to sneak in......."

"Shut up Kim"


So here I was sitting on my bed while Dr. Jeremy did his regular checkup. Uncle Chris sat next to my bed watching us.

"Uncle Chris shoot Dr. Jeremy for me please"

My uncle's eye brows shut up and an amused smile stretched on his face as he turned to Dr. Jeremy "why is that?'

Dr.Jeremy barked out a loud laugh and then continued with his prodding, a little more forcefully, I felt.

"He's mean to me" well that was all I could come up with.

"Claire that's no reason to shoot someone" Uncle said laughing.

"Uh I said please, doesn't that count for something?"


"Ouch!!!" I cried "Oh my god uncle can you not see what he is doing? He's prodding on me more forcefully that it's hurting. Kill hiimmm !!"

"Just doing my job ma'am" Dr. Jeremy said with a mischievous smile which he shared with Uncle.

I noticed that.

"Wait a minute! Whoa! Are you both in this together?" Dr.Jeremy stepped back and raised his hands in surrender. They both started laughing answering my question.

"Oh come on!" I raised my hands and let them fall down. I just folded my arms as I watched the two friends laugh. My expression said enough that I was not amused. Their laughter simmered down until it finally stopped.

"When can I leave?" I asked ignoring watch just happened. There was no point throwing a tantrum, it was two against one.

"Right about now" Dr. Jeremy replied "As soon as your Uncle signs the papers"

"Oh great! Uncle please hurry up, I can't wait to get away from him"
"Aww too bad for you we will be meeting a lot more than you think" Dr.Jeremy said his eyes twinkling as if the thought of that alone was something that excited him.

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