"Janitor's closet huh? How cliche!"

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*Claire's P.O.V*

The whole day I was left dazed. I couldn't even think clearly. Last I'd seen Blake was when he dropped me off first period. He missed the classes we shared together...well that's what I thought but he had practise at that time since football season was coming up.

"You know Claire I have been talking to you and Tyler for the past 10 minutes and I know you haven't heard anything....that's pretty rude" Kim said hurt.

Crap ! What was wrong with me. Damn you Blake Prince.

"Wha..?" i said, just as i snapped out of my thoughts.

Tyler gave me a disappointed look. i shrugged my shoulders and lifted my eyebrows.

"Unbelievable Claire" Kim scoffed getting up from the grass and walking away.

"What the hell was that Tyler" i asked him

"Dont what the hell me Claire. You've not been listening to a word that girl has been saying and she's pretty upset. Your mind was god knows where that you didnt even listen to a word she was saying" He said.

"Oh what the hell" i said exasperated and ran my fingers through my hair "ok tell me what she was saying"

Tyler shook his head and got up  and said "Thats not for me to tell" and walked away. talk about dramatic exit !

"UGHHH" i shouted and watched him walk away.

"sexy growl babe"

My back stiffened...OH SHIT! that voice was veryy familiar.

i turned around and saw Blake standing there in his glory. He was standing and looking sexy just the way he should.

"Two times in a day i see you scowl" he said coming and sitting next to me "what happened now?"

  I noticed something diiferent...BLAKE PRINCE was not smirking but smiling! His smile made me smile.

"Nothing important" i said smiling. What? There was no way i was going to tell him how his kiss affected me!

"You sure" he said bumping his shoulder with mine. OK kind Blake was something i was finding weird.

"Who are you and what have you done with the Blake i know" i asked jokingly.

Suddenly Blake's face transformed into a scary expression "My name is 1..2..3..4..5..6" he said in a seriously SCARY VOICE.

For a minute i got scared cause this was a dialogue from the excorcism of emily rose...the scariest movie ever according to me. In the movie the girl Emily Rose gets possessed by spirits, i could hardly sleep for a month. That movie was something that everytime i think about it i shudder even at the name Emily.

"Blaaaake" i said rolling my eyes. "You do know that the dialogue was said by a GIRL"

My comment snapped Blake out of his acting zone "Yeah i know" he said chuckling.

"I must say though...your acting was amazing. You really should become an actor one day" I confessed honestly.

"Yeah i know" he said smiling "I'm actually thinking of becoming an actor. I mean i have the looks and the talent"

i rolled my eyes at that. There goes the Blake i knew.

"C'mon Claire! Look at me" he said pointing his hands at himself and then moving them from his head down to his body and back up "Nobody can resist this"

i opened my mouth to protest but he beat me to it

"Nu uh" he said moving closer and putting a finger on my lips "Don't think of lying Claire Grey. I know i have an affect on you"

He then cupped my face and kissed me. This was the second time Blake left me shocked. Just as i was about to kiss him back he pulled away. Disappointment flooded my face.

"See thats disappointment" he said smirking knowingly.

Jerk! i scowled. i moved my head back to create some space but Blake had other plans. He smashed his lips to mine and started kissing me hungrily. I tried not to kiss him back but i was finding that hard to do because Blake was a damn good kisser. So i kissed him back too. He then ran his tongue on my lower lip asking for entrance. I opened my mouth and granted him access. He explored my mouth with his tongue and i couldn\t help but moan. i ran my fingernails on his scalp which made him moan.

Next thing i know Blake pushed me down and we were lyin gon the ground, with him on top of me. He cupped my cheek with one hand while his other hand slid down to my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. All i could feel was tingles and i knew i was loving it.

BRRRR the bell rang.

Groaning Blake pulled away and got up. My heart started beating faster when i saw that Blake didn't even want to stop. He ran his fingers through his now disheveled hair after our make out session. He looked at me adoringly and smiled

"Wait for me after school babe!" He winked and walked away. Is it just me who has noticed this that the Prince brothers sure do know how make a dramatic exit.

I quickly got up and picked up my things. i looked at my watch "SHIT" i was going to be late for class.

I was running through the hallway when out of the blue two hands shot out from a room and pulled me in.

I was about to scream since the room was dark and i couldn't see the person, when suddenly the person flicked the lights on.

"i didn't like the way we departed" He said and kissed me....Oh god i melted into the kiss!

"Blake come on its hardly been !0 min" i said giggling.

He merely smiled and said "Well i missed you already" aww he looked soo adorable.

"Janitor's closet huh? how cliche" i said looking around.

"Well i am cliche when it comes to romance babe" My heart skipped a beat when he called me babe. Everytime he says it i get the same affect

"Thats soo cheeesy" i laughed

He chuckled and gave me one last peck before he opened the janitor's closet and walked out.

Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?


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