Bad Romeo

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A simple story about a boy and a girl

Looking for a love to rock their worlds

The girl - beautiful, slender, wealthy, 

educated, unloved, messy

The boy - good-looking, street smart, tall, 

loud, proud, been through it all

On the streets of Bangkok, they met, 

first as enemies then lovers with no regrets

Together, they fight their way

through battles that send him away

She is the girl who can't be moved

despite her father that never approves

He looks after her gently, carefully

without any riches, he is free

With one hand around another

there's no way they will falter 

With trust, hope, and candidness

they can pass every test

Love may be difficult, yes, it could be

but worth the trouble, 

when it's there you'll see. 

Who knows how the story ends? 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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