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"Ross.. I don't want to say goodbye to you, but I don't know if I can forgive you just yet." He nodded, holding my face in his hands. "I still want to stay here in New York.. I believe we can work through this." I nodded. "I believe we can too," I whispered softly. "Will you stay with me.. In my apartment?"

He smiled. "I wasn't going to push you, but I was hoping you'd ask." I bit my lip. "A kiss wouldn't hurt," I whispered. He leaned in, touching his lips to mine. "I love you," He whispered against my lips. I mouthed the words back to him. Ross intertwined our hands as we walked down the street. "Laura!" Someone called from across the street. I waved the girls over. "Girls, this is my boyfriend, Ross. Ross, this is Jackie and Samah. I met them when I toured Juilliard with Brendan. We have a few classes together." Ross politely smiled. "Hi, girls."

"So, how long are you staying?" Jackie asked tying her dark black hair into a tight bun. "I'm not sure, but I'm trying to make this a permanent thing. I'd rather be here with you." Ross turned to me as he said the last part. The two girls erupted in a chorus of awws as Ross leaned down, kissing my cheek. "We'll see you girls later, the rest of the fam is back at my apartment."

As we entered my apartment, Ellington was on my Mac replying to fans on Twitter. They all turned towards us as if they were waiting for an update. "We're okay." All of them let out a breath after I replied. "I've decided to stay here in New York, with Laura." Rydel clapped.

"Since we're here, I was thinking of doing a meet up with some fans.." She looked around for confirmation. "I think that's a great idea guys." I looked to Ross. "You're coming right?" I shook my head. "They're gonna be there to see you, not me. I'll see you when you get back." Riker stood up from the couch. "Laura, whether they want to admit it or not, all of our fans have watched the pilot episode of Austin & Ally at least once, they'll remember you and want to see you."

I shrugged. "I'll guess I'll go, but I really don't think anyone is gonna wanna meet me."

So Rydel tweeted from the band account that they were gonna do a signing and picture session in New York since they were visiting me. My Twitter blew up with tweets asking where I've been. I explained that all of us were doing a short Q&A before hand.


I looked over at my phone 12:00, almost time for the Q&A. "Hey, babe?" Ross turned to look at me. "Are we gonna tell them the whole situation?" Ross shook his head. "Not the whole parts about fighting and stuff we'll just say we hit some bumps along the way and that we fought like normal couples do." I nodded as I grabbed my bag. We hired some security guards to make sure things wouldn't get out of control since we were telling the fans the whole story. We met the others outside.

"Ready, he extended his hand out to me. I don't want them to know before we tell them." He nodded and continued walking next to me. We arrived at a small venue we rented for the meet up. It was an outdoor place because we weren't sure how many people would come. We set up our chairs on stage and looked out at the crowd of people who came to see us. It was 12:30 now, which was the time we set to start the Q&A.

"Okay, we're gonna be starting now," Ryland said using his microphone. Everyone quieted down and faced the stage. "Questions?" I called out. A teenage girl in the front raised her hand. "I think we're all dying to know what's been going on since the beginning of Austin & Ally, don't spare a single detail!!!"

"Ross?" He nodded. "So my parents died in a car crash when I was 16 and my sister Vanessa, who still hasn't been found, was kidnapped when I was 11."

"I'm so sorry," The perky girl spoke yet again. "So my parents were friends with Stormie and Mark back in high school. Before this day I had never met them, but in my parents' will it said that I was to live with them. In the beginning I was confined to my room there, never wanting to come out and barely talking to anyone except Rydel." I looked to Ross, who was sitting to my left. "One day I was so upset, everyone was telling me they were sorry for my loss. I just got fed up with everything, I just felt like they had no right to say they knew how I felt. I can remember this part like it was yesterday. Ross knocked on my door and told me he understood what I was going through. I flipped out. I screamed at him and threw picture frames at the wall. I was all alone..


The door was open a small bit and I saw her against the wall. "Can we talk later? I don't ummm... I don't feel well." She didn't even move. "Just here me out." Laura lifted her head up, "...I'm listening."

"I know. I understand how it feels to have no one."


I could hear crying on the other side of the door. I opened the door slightly and saw her wrap herself up in a sweater. She grabbed a picture frame and threw it, sliding her back down the wall and sobbing. I slowly walked in, closing the door behind me. I picked up the picture frame and slid it in my bag when she wasn't looking. I put my bag on the ground and I slowly walked towards her. She looked at me. I could see her tearstained cheeks and messy eyeliner. I grabbed the tissues and slowly wiped away the running black on her face. When I finished, I softly spoke.

"Before we moved to California, I wanted to see if there would be any acting jobs for me so I stayed with my parent's friends. I was close with them so it wasn't a big deal. While I was there, they became like my parents and their kid became my sibling. When they offered to come to the audition with me, I refused. I wanted to be independent. That day, while I was at the audition, they were shopping. They were at a small corner store. A boy with a ski mask came in, he was only 13 years old, but he had a gun with him. He shot them and their son. It felt like my family had died. My whole world came crashing down and I felt the same way you feel right now."


I put my finger to her lips and pulled her close. She cried into my chest. I felt electricity when we touched. I let go of her. I was no longer thinking of the feelings I have for her. The feelings came rushing back as I pulled her close again. Everything gets so confusing when we are close. But, I like having feelings for Laura and I like having her close.

"You don't understand what it feels like to be alone in the world, Ross."

"You aren't alone, you have me."

We started leaning in and I could smell the flavored gloss on her lips. I closed my eyes, and then I felt her soft warm lips on mine.


A chorus of awws erupted from the entire crowd. "Explain what's going on now." I giggled. "Oh, honey.. don't worry, I'm just getting started."


Hopefully you're satisfied with this crappy update.. I wanna apologize for it right now :(

The next chapter will mostly be a bunch of flashbacks. It will be Ross & Laura walking them through their life since they met and adding input. Hopefully you guys don't get too bored.

Should I do a bunch of flashbacks? Or just have Laura & Ross explain it all??

Also, I wanna apologize to all the people who commented on the chapter from the old book about wanting to be in the book. I am so sorry I haven't added you all. It's hard to figure out where I want you to fit in. If you still would like a chance to be in the book, you can comment on this chapter and I'll probably message you asking you a few questions about yourself!!


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