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"Maia is going to kill herself tonight..."

Rydel stood up, "Well.. what do we do?" She started to pace back and forth, rambling on and on. "We have to stop her. We have to get this right. Do we take Rocky? Do we not take Rocky? Does she still love him? Is she doing this because of him?" I grabbed her hands, stopping her and making her look at me.

"Dells, she saw the pictures Alexa has been posting. She still loves him and I know he still loves her. I have to go, I'm sorry." I picked up my phone on the couch and dialed Rocky's number, walking down the stairs at a fast pace with Rydel calling me back.

"Hello?" I held my breath, trying to to think of something to say as an excuse. "Where are you?" He hesitated before talking to me, "Out with Lex, listen is this important?" I ran to my car. "This is extremely important, Rocky. Someone we both love is about to try and commit suicide, now where are you?" He stayed silent.

I slammed the door shut and hit my hands on the steering wheel. I broke down, tears now streaming down my face. "Rocky, I don't know who else to call.. please. I need your help. I know you can fix this," I managed to get out between sobs. "I'm at Alexa's apartment, I'll be outside." I quickly hung up the phone and started to drive.

I swerved into the parking lot and Rocky jumped in the car. "Laura, it's going to be okay, whatever happens." Rocky switched seats with me and held my hand. "Where are we going?" I looked at him, "Truthfully..." I paused as he stopped at a red light and looked over at me. "We're going to Maia's." Rocky's mouth dropped. "Laura, I can't-" I stopped him. "What was the fight even about?"

"That's really none of your business-" I interrupted yet again, "I'm only trying to help." He shrugged, moving when the light finally turned green. "Her ex-boyfriend texted her... they were texting back and forth and he asked her to meet him. Instead of saying no and telling him that she had a boyfriend now, she accepted and went to go meet him. He kissed her." I bit my lip and looked down, "She told you all of this?" He nodded slowly. "She told you the truth instead of lying."

"That's not the point, Laura. It's the point that it happened. Maia could've just told him that she had a boyfriend and that she couldn't meet him."

"I know you, Rocky, you're not the type of guy to fall fast for a girl and get over it easily. Listen, I love lex, but she cheated on you multiple times. What's the difference with her?" He continued to drive, letting go of my hand. "I didn't love Lex the way I loved Maia..."

I looked over at his eyes as we stopped. "Rocky, please just look at me for a second." I moved my hand to his chin and made him look at me. He couldn't hold it in anymore, the tears started pouring down his cheeks. "Is she really going to kill herself?" I nodded, "Come here." I opened my arms and pulled him into a hug.

He pulled back a few seconds later, "We have to get there quickly."

He pulled out of the parking spot and continued to drive. My phone beeped so I looked down. A new text from Maia.

Maia: "I'm sorry about earlier.. I'm scared and I shouldn't have treated you that way. I can't act like I don't care anymore. I can't act like I'm fine every time Alexa talks about how much she loves him.. I'm sorry I just can't do this anymore. Thank you for always being there. You are my best friend. Please don't try and save me."

"Rocky," I tried to swallow my tears. "She just said goodbye to me.." I pushed open the car door, he hadn't even pulled into the parking lot yet. I jumped out of the car and ran inside the doors. Rocky raced behind me. They had redesigned the whole building and you needed a key to get in the elevator. I banged on the door to the employee backroom.

"Laura! Back so soon! Good to see you dear!" The owner of the building called to me from the elevator. "We need to get up to Maia's apartment, it's an emergency." He held the door for us and gave me the card, "This will operate the elevator, but I cannot guarantee you access to her room."

"Thank you," I called to him as I swiped the card and rapidly pushed the floor number a few times. Seconds later, the doors opened and we ran out. Rocky turned the doorknob, "It's locked." He backed up and pushed hard against it, breaking the lock and letting it swing open.

The bathroom door was open, her foot partially hanging out of the room. "Rocky," I pointed to the bathroom.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me over, dropping to the ground as he saw her lifeless body. "Call 911!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. I reached in my back pocket for my phone but it wasn't there. I frantically looked around for her cell, finding it on the floor next to her.

I picked up the phone and tried my best to dial through my blurry vision.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"My friend tried to commit suicide, I think she swallowed some pills. She's unconscious."


comment "maia no!!!" if you read this chapter

next chapter will be updated as soon as I reach 5+ comments and 100+ reads

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