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Riker nervously scratched his neck. "Courtney needs to get her car back to LA, the boys and I are gonna drive it back. You can come back by plane." Rydel quickly threw her arms around me. "I'm not ready to leave yet!" Alexa did the same, "Neither am I!" Maia quickly jumped on my back, making me stumble, but the girls steadied me. "We don't wanna leave." Maia stuck out her bottom lip, "Rockyyyy." Rocky quickly gave in. "Maybe we should stay." He ran behind and threw himself on Maia, making us all fall onto Ellington, who was still asleep on his air mattress.

"Guyysss, you are so annoying," He opened his eyes, he was face to face with Rydel. He leaned in and kissed her quickly. "Nevermind, I love the world." Rydel giggled. "You guys go, I'll be fine here." My phone started to ring and I walked into the kitchen to answer it. "Miss Marano?" I covered my ear to block out the noise. "Yes, this is Laura." He paused for a moment, "How fast can you get here to LA?"

"I can be on the plane tomorrow morning." He seemed excited, "Great! We would like to start discussing a contract." I quickly put the call on hold, and screamed. I jumped all around, sliding on the floor of the kitchen in my socks. "That sounds amazing!"

"I'll squeeze you in since I really want to meet with you as soon as possible, just call my assistant as soon as you get in, we'll arrange to pick you up at the airport. Oh, and don't worry I'll set up the plane ticket, I wouldn't want you to pay. I'll have the details emailed to you by tomorrow morning. I think you could do great things. See you soon!"

He hung up just as Ross walked in the room. "What's got you so happy?" I scrunched up my face, "You, baby!" I got a running start and slid all the way inside the living room, bumping into Riker and jumping into his arms. "What's with you?"

"Oh, nothing..."

The next day, the boys got up extra early and left. I set an alarm, but Ross turned it off. He left me a small sticky note on top of my alarm clock.

"Sorry I didn't wake you, you looked so cute while you slept. I love you -Ross"

I got up early and packed up all of my clothes, with the help of the girls. I had convinced them to get flights with me.

We grabbed our suitcases and headed out my apartment door. I locked it up and pressed the button for the elevator. "I'm coming home, girls!" It was hard not to get excited, I mean, I had just gotten a record deal. "Laura, this is so exciting!" Vanni started to scream. "It's 4 AM, you can't scream," I looked around at the other girls. All together we counted to three. "1.. 2.. 3.. GIRLS!"

By that time, we couldn't control our laughter, we had barely slept and just about everything had become funny to us. After a little while, we had gotten on the plane and into our seats. I relaxed and fell asleep.

I jolted awake as Vanni grabbed my arm. "Laura," Her face was pale, she looked so frightened. "Attention passengers, please remain calm, the situation will only get worse with panic." The flight attendant walked towards the back of the plane.

"Vanni, what's going on?"

Rydel grabbed my hand from my other side and whispered into my ear, "Get the girls." We all remained in our seats, but we focused on Rydel.

"I need to say this, if this is the end-" Courtney cut her off. "We have to remain positive, we can get through this. I know we can." Rydel started to tear up. "I want you girls to know that you are my best friends in the entire world. Through the ups and the downs, each of you have been there. I am grateful for each of you and for the instances, whatever they may be, that brought each of you into my life. I am so lucky to have you girls and if I die today, I'm glad it's with you. I love you."

"We love you," We all repeated back to her. "I don't want this to be the end."

"Excuse me, passengers, settle please. The plane is experiencing some difficulties in the control room. We are not sure at this time what will happen next, but be assured that we will keep you posted."

I reached for my laptop and facetimed Ross. He answered on the third ring. "I love you, Ross. Please don't forget that." I hung up quickly as Rydel called Stormie on the phone and put her on speaker. "Mom, I don't know if we're going to make it off this plane alive, but we wanted to tell you that we love you." The phone disconnected and we didn't get to hear Stormie's answer.


QOTD: favorite TV shows???


Is the plane going to crash?

Predictions down below⬇

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