numbed by starch

29 2 0

tw/cw: starvation, mentions of suicide, death, pain

Numbed by starch


I spit in the dirt as I work.

The cupboards jammed full.

Full of what?

Oh simply? Null.

Full of out dreams and wishes as i pop the cork.

They truly are empty, no starches here

Everyone's Hungry? Yes! even the little mutt.

The thieves have nothing to thief this year.

The whole in my stomach-

Its worse than a knife.

Oh just kill me! Just kill me!

Just take my life.

Committing suicide? I'm tired of all this suffolk talk.

Here? Not now. My burial needs to be quiet.

if you could lay my starved body next to that tree?

Tell my wife I wished to be part of the riot...


i asked someone at school to give me a topic/pattern and this is what i got. yay  /s

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