intrusive thoughts

14 2 2

My goal would be to get this book to 50 (realistic), 99/100 (challenging, but sensical) or 200 (max chapters & unrealistic. Gives new year resolutions)


"Not everyone knows you"

Well, yeah thats obvious 

"Not everyone loves you"

Hah, why i know that 

"No one, a least important people to you, like you"

You know theres a lot of people in the world.

"No one knows you"

Cmon now, be realistic- 

"No one know the real you"

Oh, well...thats 

"No one loves you"

I know...

Oh how i look around!

Are there truly people who live without self-sabotouging thoughts?

I shake my head.

Why are the things so loud?

Images of blood flash through my mind-and for my defenses i have nothing brought.

Even when i lay in bed!

From them? Oh no there is no safe haven.

How disgusting, how unworthy do i feel,

When my brain turns on.

My miser spiritus* cries.

I try to stop them-but i always kneel.

Why cant i just be f-in strong?

I tell them im okay-ignore me feeding into the lies.

Can someone turn my brain off-so at my pathetic failures i can scoff?


bro i was going to rhyme on with megatron cuz i couldn't think of anything but that plan was scratched-the line was gonna be something like "i just wanna be strong lile megatron" but k realized that strong rhymes woth on too 🤡

Pattern: Abc,abc,dd,efg,efg,hh, ect.

have a nice 24 hours :)


* wretched spirit

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