lies and flies

8 2 0

promise me you'll never leave me


You know we're both addicted to lies.

the amount of people you can lure in with honey and sugar

some even with vinegar-

theyre just like...flies.

how time flies by when you're have fun!


It that why I feel like we've been like this for eternity?

So tense, so hateful,

why are you always so f---ing ungrateful?

Sorry this sorry that, you never mean it-quit the apology

you seem angry, did I do something wrong?

b-tch yes.

We love the lies more than we love each other.

sorry is more said than thank you

how else can I be more true with you?

my feelings of niceness are fading, I cant love you like a wife nor a brother...


ive never been in a romantic relationship with anyone ever so if this is factually wrong I apologize

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