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"Are you sure you wanna go, Tsukki?" Yamaguchi asked, pulling his bag over one shoulder.

Tsukki finished changing out of his volleyball uniform.
"I don't necessarily want to go, but I guess we should."

Yamaguchi grinned, excited and happy his friend actually wanted to go.
"Well, I'm excited. Do you want to meet at my house at seven?"

"Sure. What time did Daichi-san say they're having dinner?"

"7:40 ish, I think."


The sleepover was being hosted at Daichi's, and the entire team was coming. Tsukki wasn't super eager, but Yamaguchi was bouncing with energy.

As Yamaguchi rang the doorbell to Daichi's house, Tsukki couldn't help smiling at his friend, then felt surprised.

Who are you and why are you smiling? he thought, smirking a bit.

"Yamaguchi! Tsukishima! Come in!" Hinata yelled as he opened the door. His head was slammed forward as a volleyball flew out of the other room.
"AARGH KAGEYAMA! BAKA!" Hinata yelped, spinning around and running into the other room, where Tsukki could hear yelling and laughing.

"Kei! Tadashi! You guys just made it!" Suga said, waving them into the kitchen.
"Go ahead and eat before the others realize the food came," he whispered, gesturing to the pizza.

"I HEARD THAT! You guys! Food's here!" Nishinoya yelled, and there was a flurry of movement as the rest of the team charged in. The rest of the team being Noya, Tanaka, Hinata, and Kageyama, with Ennoshita and Daichi trailing behind. Kinnoshita yelped as Tanaka stole his plate, grabbing a whole box and running out to Daichi's backyard.

Yamaguchi laughed, and Tsukki fought back a smile.

He loved Yamaguchi's laugh.

During the movie, Yamaguchi fell asleep, leaning into Tsukki and laying his head on his tall friend's shoulder.

At first Tsukki was slightly shocked, they hadn't talked about coming out to the team, but then again, he was pretty sure the whole team knew.

Tsukki and Yamaguchi had only been dating for a week, but it had been the best week of Tsukki's life.

Dating Yamaguchi wasn't super different from being his friend, except they could cuddle, Tsukki could kiss Yamaguchi, and Yamaguchi could kiss Tsukki and steal his hoodies.

They came out to their parents a few days after, deciding they'd rather not keep a secret.

Tsukki's mom had actually squealed and hugged Tsukki.

"I'm so, so happy you told me!" was all she said, and Tsukki felt a huge weight fall from his shoulders.

Yamaguchi's mom looked angry.

And then she passed a bundle of money over to Tsukki's mom.

Tsukki and Yamaguchi exchanged a glance, confused.

"We had a bet. I betted that you wouldn't come out until one of us walked in on you two," Yamaguchi's mom explained, and Tsukki's mom grinned triumphantly.

After the movie was over, Tsukki gently woke Yamaguchi, guiding his sleepy boyfriend up to their beds.

Tsukki left to brush his teeth, returning to find Yamaguchi curled up in Tsukki's bed.
He didn't protest, just fit his body around Yamaguchi's, taking off his glasses.

When Tsukki woke up, he woke up to the cold touch of... a marker? to his cheek.
His eyes shot open and he heard a yelp of alarm from Tanaka, then footsteps thundering down the stairs.

Tsukki sat up, unwrapping his arms from Yamaguchi, and putting his glasses on.
When he checked the mirror, there was a blue moon on his cheek.

He glared at the blue ink, and then Yamaguchi's arms wrapped around him from behind, his face peeking out around Tsukki.

"Oh would you look at that?" he said, grinning at their reflections.
Yamaguchi had purple stars drawn on his cheeks.
"We match." Yamaguchi let go of Tsukki to lean against the counter beside him.
"Don't be so mad, Tsukki. It's cute."

Tsukki didn't know how to respond, so he just moved closer to Yamaguchi, and Yamaguchi kissed him.

Yamaguchi didn't really kiss much, and not for long, but he was surprisingly good at it. He preferred to cuddle.

Tsukki was fine with either, of course. How could he not be, when Yamaguchi was so sweet about it?

Sorry school is horrible rn so things are gonna be weird anyways bye!

What if the stars went out? (A TsukkiYama fic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now