Chapter 8: Roller Coaster

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The Outsiders stand looking at Lala on the floor.

"I'll be the first to ask, why is he here?", Brandon asks.

"Better Question, how did he get here?", Anissa asks.

"Even Better Question, Can I kill him now?", Khalil asks.

Everyone looks at Khalil.

"Are you still Painkiller?", Jenn asks.

"No, We just have unsolved problems", Khalil states.

"Well let's not do anything to him!", Anissa says.

"Anissa's right, if he's here, it's for a reason. So if we want information we can't harm him", Grace says.

"God, when is this gonna end?", Brandon says turning and walking in the kitchen.

Jenn looks at him confused.

"So what are we gonna do, just leave him on the floor?", TC asks.

"Wait", Khalil says, "Do we even know if he's alive". 

"You're right someone should check", Jenn says quickly, "But not me". 

"I think one of our strong powerful brother's should check", Anissa says smiling.

"It's funny how when you want something, we're your strong powerful brothers", Khalil says.

"No I don't, but can one of you strong powerful brothers do it?", Anissa asks.

"I'm sorry but I'm not checking to see if a man I barely know is alive or not, it's bound to just cause us more problems anyway", Brandon says.

"Agreed, there is no way in hell, I'm checking him", Khalil says

"Dido", TC states.

The Outsiders stand in silence.

"Ughhh", Jenn starts, "If I had my powers I could use my electronic detection to see if he has any electrical impulses". 

"Well since we don't, we have to go the old fashion way", Anissa says walking up to Lala.

Anissa gets on one knee and reaches out two fingers to take his pulse. As she nears his neck, Lala takes a deep breath and grabs Anissa by her throat. Anissa quickly punches him in the face.. Lala goes back unconscious.

"Anissa!", Jenn says.

"It was an accident, he grabbed my neck and I panicked", Anissa says.

"Well your panicking just cost us our first clue, so thank you", Brandon says.

"Uh, don't talk like that to my sister", Jenn says, "What's wrong with you?".

"Sorry, you're right, It's just been a tough couple of days and I am honestly just tired and ready for this to be over with and done. I mean we have not had a year without trouble. Aren't you all tired?", Brandon asks.

"Yes we're tired but this is our job, this is what we live for", Anissa says.

"This is what you live for, when I joined this team it was to save the world one time, it seems as though saving the world never ends, and honestly, I'm tired", Brandon says.

"Brandon this is so random, where is this coming from?", Jenn asks.

"I've always felt this way and frankly, you all should to, it seems as though it's something new everyweek. I'm done being a slave to a city that doesn't even care about me, So do whatever you want to do, I'm going to bed". 

Brandon leaves the group and walks to his room.

"I'm gonna go check on him", Jenn says.

"Wait you have to vote, help him or throw him back to the wild", Grace says.

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