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"I hope you guys would appreciate maintaining silence," spoke the old woman with whitish hair, wiping her spectacles. Seated across the enormous hall on a chair adorned with embedded crystals, she emanated an air of strictness. Her formal name was "Harley," but among the children, she was known as the "moody bitch." Though too inappropriate for newcomers, they would soon understand the reason behind the nickname given to her behind her back.

"I don't like our principal, Jesus," Eun shuddered and nudged my shoulder, diverting my attention from the old lady. "Actually, me neither," I responded, sharing her sentiment.

"Girl, I thought a magic academy was supposed to have chill teachers. I can't help but notice the complete opposite happening here," I chuckled and replied, pushing back my bangs, "I didn't have high expectations from this academy in the first place. I just need to complete the first-semester levitation course real quick."

Eun rolled her eyes at me and asked, "For the ballerina academy, right?" I gave her a simple smile and nodded. "God, why do I have to be a verified levitator to enroll there? I wish they had levitation classes in their beginner course too."

"Hey, aren't you Kim Doshin's daughter?" a blonde girl stood in front of us, accompanied by another girl. I paused for a moment but replied with a hesitant "yes." "That's my mother's assistant," she explained to the other girl, while I stared at her, feeling a bit perplexed.

"You want to get into the top ballerina academy, don't you?" she snickered, and her friend smirked alongside her. I couldn't shake off the negative vibes emanating from them. "Yeah," I muttered, and the girl continued to scrutinize me with a judgmental look on her face.

"Well, you don't know their fee structure, do you?" she inquired. Seriously, what did she need? Couldn't people mind their own business? "She does," Eun interjected, speaking up for me this time. I mentally smirked, proud that my friend was learning a thing or two from me.

"And who's talking to you, my dear double-chinned friend?" Eun retaliated, clearly infuriated. "What do you expect to hear? You can't be so straightforward walking around here!" I exclaimed, possibly drawing everyone's attention.

"Kim Chaeng!" I looked up, startled, as Ms. Harley towered above me. I could feel her glare penetrating my soul. "I thought I just told you all to maintain silence?" My soul momentarily escaped my body as I immediately lowered my head and offered an apology. "I'll let it slide this time. Be more careful from now on," she taunted, walking off towards the stage. "Well, that was like a near-death experience, wasn't it?" Eun remarked quietly. I nodded, still shaken by the encounter. My eyes involuntarily glanced at the two girls who were giggling in secret. Ew.

"A very warm welcome to the Academy of Sylvania!" boomed a deep voice, capturing the attention of the entire hall. An old man, likely in his 70s, with a massive white beard, stood on the stage, holding a microphone. "I am the vice principal here, and you may call me 'Phantom Colombus'," he declared before taking his seat and engaging in a conversation with Ms. Harley.

"Hey, I've read a lot about this gentleman," Eun whispered to me, her curiosity piqued. "Obviously you would. He's the man who invented Sikora," a voice chimed in from behind. We turned around to find a red-headed girl, exuding an air of confidence and beauty.

"Oh my god," Eun muttered, her mouth agape. "That's just how the freshers react," the girl chuckled, passing Eun a sweet look. She seemed nice and appeared slightly older than us.

"What is Sikora?" I frowned, curiosity getting the better of me. Eun clicked her tongue and facepalmed, disappointed by my lack of knowledge. "How come you joined Sylvania without even knowing the general history?" the girl inquired before continuing, "Sikora is the most precious and heavily guarded invention of the Sylvania Kingdom. It's a potion, but one that is highly sought after. Just a sip of Sikora can grant you access to all the dark powers."

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