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"Chaeng, it's for you." Eun's voice reached to me from the corner of the room. My sore and teary eyes looked up and caught the sight of her holding a brownish-stained envelope. I saw this coming days ago. I knew that Harley had certainly informed my family about my deeds. Even if she was letting me loose for the first and last time, it had cost me something else.

That was my parent's trust. I had lost it.

With teary hands, I took the letter from her grip. I was mentally attempting to brace myself to face the wrath which my father was going to display within that single piece of paper.

I carefully tore open the envelope, revealing the letter inside, written in a very familiar handwriting. Absolutely stern and compact. My heart raced as I unfolded it and began to read. I knew how it was going to sound. I should have been prepared.

"A few days ago, Mrs. Harley contacted me, informing me about your recent actions. Your mother and I are utterly disappointed. We had invested a significant portion of our personal savings to secure your place at Sylvania, with the hope that you would study hard for a successful future.

Therefore, I have decided to take a step back, Chaeng. I will not be sending you extra money for a period, as I believe it is time for you to understand the value of the opportunities granted to you.


Him cutting off the money supply was the least of my concerns at that very moment. What struck me to the core was the realization that I had completely damaged the trust he had placed in me. My father wasn't much of the wealth holder in our family. He was a compounder in an average hospital located on the outskirts of Seoul. His earnings fell far short for the prestigious fee structure of Sylvania. It had cost him our assets to get me admitted over here. I will never not be grateful to him for this.

I felt Eun wrapping her arms around me, providing the support I desperately needed in that moment. I couldn't hold back the tears that streamed down my face. It was the utter shame and dishonor which was now getting to my head. 

"Chaeng, everything is okay now," Eun whispered, as I buried my head in shoulder.

There was no strength left in me to reply to her and I wasn't able to articulate my feelings. Eun understood my pain, my regret, and my fear. She caressed my hair, allowing me to cry in her arms freely. It felt like a safe space.

With a sigh, I managed to croak out, "I've disappointed them so much."

Eun held me tighter. "Sometimes, we mess up, Chaeng. But you have got another chance to prove yourself."

That did hit a nerve. Despite everything, my father had chosen not to drag me out of this place. I had been rewarded with another chance and I must do better this time. I wiped my tears away and looked at her. "Yeah. I'll work this out."

She smiled, the same reassuring smile that had carried me through so many ups and downs. "I know you will."


As Eun headed to her additional class, I made my way towards the Levitation class. The main hall was bustling with students heading to their classes. Yet this time, it felt different. Whispers and sidelong glances followed me as I walked through the crowd. The news of Jungkook and me had surely spread, and all the curious eyes were fixed upon me. The weight of all those stares and murmurs made me want to bury myself right there. It's not like I had an influential friend group to back me up and look at this mess already taking place.

I looked away, trying to avoid everyone's stares and that's when I spotted Jungkook, crouched down with his raven-black hair falling gracefully over his forehead. Once again, dressed in the Sylvania school uniform. A tailored maroon blazer, a crisp white shirt, and perfectly creased black slacks. He was feeding Harley's cat from a bowl labelled with shimmering letters, "StarryWhisker Delights".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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