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The breakfast hall at Sylvania was abuzz with activity as students chatted and laughed over their morning meals. Rosé, eun, and Chaeng sat together at their usual spot, enjoying the serene ambiance of the hall. The aroma of freshly prepared blueberry pancakes filled the air, making their mouths water.

Rosé observed Chaeng carefully as she noticed the slight redness in her eyes. "Chaeng, did you not get enough sleep?" Rosé asked, concerned.

Chaeng tried to hide her exhaustion with a weak smile. "I'm okay, just a bit tired," she replied, trying to brush it off.

Eun, being ever perceptive, didn't buy Chaeng's response. "You're lying," she said bluntly. "I saw you sneak out last night and come back so late. This is the fourth night in a row. What on earth are you doing out there?"

Chaeng's eyes flickered, caught off guard by Eun's observation. She mumbled something about needing fresh air and continued eating her pancakes.

"Fresh air in the middle of the night?" Rosé raised an eyebrow, not fully convinced. "You should be careful, Chaeng. Harley is not someone to mess with. If she ever does a random late-night check-up and realizes you're not in your room, she's going to eat you alive."

Chaeng's eyes widened at the thought of the strict headmistress discovering her secret midnight excursions. She knew Rosé was right, but there was something about the garden at night that drew her in, and that something was Jeon Jungkook.

As they continued their conversation, Chaeng couldn't help but steal glances at Jungkook and his group across the hall. Jungkook was seated with his usual nonchalant demeanor, surrounded by his friends. There was an air of mystery around him that intrigued her, despite the tension between them.

Eun playfully nudged Chaeng, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "What's got your attention over there? Checking out Jungkook, huh?"

Chaeng's cheeks flushed, caught off guard by the teasing. She fumbled with her words, trying to deny the playful accusation. "No, I'm not! Just...looking around."

Rosé arched an elegant eyebrow, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. "Uh-huh, sure."

Eun chimed in, "Seriously, Chaeng, stay away from him. He's nothing but trouble." Chaeng couldn't help but roll her eyes, a mixture of annoyance and curiosity bubbling inside her. "I know, and I have no interest in him whatsoever."

As Chaeng was sipping her juice, her hand slipped, causing a small spill on her pristine robes. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she quickly tried to clean up the mess with a napkin. However, before she could fully recover, a soft handkerchief appeared before her.

Surprised, she looked up to see Jungkook standing beside her with a sly smile. "Here, you might need this," he said nonchalantly, offering the handkerchief.

The whole table fell into a stunned silence, their eyes wide with disbelief. Jungkook, the notorious troublemaker, offering assistance? It was unheard of.

Chaeng hesitated for a moment before accepting the handkerchief with a small smile of gratitude. "Thank you," she murmured, dabbing at the juice stain.

Jungkook didn't respond to her thank-you, and instead, he just shrugged as if it was nothing and turned to leave. It was as if he had done it on a whim, and now he was already losing interest.

Rosé couldn't resist chiming in, her eyes teasing. "Well, well, Jungkook, I never thought I'd see the day when you'd play the gentleman."

Jungkook gave a dismissive wave of his hand. "I just felt like it," he replied, his voice casual.

His friends at the table exchanged amused glances, but Jungkook paid no mind to their banter. He simply left the breakfast table, and the atmosphere shifted back to normal.

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