Chapter 20

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Alright y'all bare with me I'm trying but it's so hard being a mom and working full time, I can't update like how I want too but I promise I'll try harder because y'all been hanging tight and running up the votes and everything for me! Thanks again for supporting me through the trial and tribulations of this book 💖

Dave POV

After being with baby girl I've been in the studio non stop trying to get HDIGH (How Did I Get Here) out so I gotta stop slacking and get my shit together you heard. I have so many dope artists lined up for this shit and I'm just hyped to get it out and perfect my craft.

Right now I'm currently working with Musiq SoulChild on this song we're collabing on called Deeper Than Love. It's meant for the ladies because all I usually come out with is hardcore shit so I always gotta make sure I got something for them plus I got a lil inspiration

"Yo this is about to be a hit Dave! You really got the bars forreal" Musiq dapped me up

As we begin talking my phone starting ringing and instantly got annoyed because all my peoples know I do not like being disturbed with I'm in the studio

"Sorry bro give me a second" I sent whoever was calling me straight to voicemail and turned my attention to him

"On some real shit that means a lot coming from you and I appreciate you hopping on this with me" I smiled hard knowing I'm being acknowledged by someone who has been in the game for 20 years damn near

phone vibrate

Bro whoever is calling me is about to get fucked up is what I thought to myself

I put my hand in my pocket and pressed the side button again

"Of course bro, I am more than happy to work with you" he nodded

phone vibrate

I let out an annoyed sigh and take my phone out my pocket checking who's calling me and it was Y/N so I let everyone in the studio know I was gonna be back

I walked out to the front of the building and being calling her back

"Why didn't you answer your phone" I heard her sniffling

"Because I told you I was at the studio and I told you I wasn't gonna be on my phone because I'm tryna get shit done" I said with agitation

"Listen I don't need you catching an attitude you know I wouldn't have called if it wasn't an emergency" she kept sniffling and I started getting worried

"What's wrong ma why you sounding like you're crying" I heard her shuffling in the background

"Dave someone came to my boutique and destroyed everything me and my employees worked for" she started break down instantly and my heart broke for her

"What the fuck?? Who the fuck would do that to you baby girl? Was it Jen's stupid ass?" I bombarded her

"I...I don't know who did it but all I know this shit broke me. Like what am I supposed to do? The repairs are going to cost so much fucking money" she said through her tears

"Don't worry about allat baby I got you okay, I'll help you with the cost of the repairs. This time we're gonna put cameras around that bitch. Now stop crying baby" I meant what I said when I'll do anything for this girl by any means necessary

"Okay" she sniffled and tried to calm herself down by breathing

"I promise I'll pay you back" she said back with a shaky voice

"Nah you know I'm not gonna take that money so don't even try that shit" she huffed and puffed after I said that

"Fine...can you come over after please, I really don't want to be alone" I could just hear her giving me the puppy eyes to the phone

"Yeah I'll be over in about an hour or 2 aight?" I smiled a little knowing that I was her safe place

"Okay" she sighed with relief

With that we both hung up the phone and I headed back into the studio heading over to Musiq and the techs

"Ayo let's save what we have for now because we're gonna have to wrap this up early, I got a family emergency I have to handle" I rubbed the back of my head still thinking on who could pull some bullshit like that

"Is everything good g?" Musiq asked with some concern in his voice but I ain't wanna give him the details

"Just some crazy shit happened to wifey so I gotta go handle that" I sighed and started grabbing up my shit

"Well if anything go handle what you gotta handle and I can finish up my part and the vocals and then we'll meet up again for the final product later" he said holding his hand out to dap up and of course I wasn't gonna leave him hanging

"Yo that's some real shit I appreciate you for that bro forreal" we dapped up one last time added on with a quick bro hug and I headed out quickly to go see my lil lady

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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