Chapter 9

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Dave's POV

It's been about an hour and a half since shawty was chilling in my room and we were having some good conversations about our interests. Honestly I couldn't stop starring at her because my clothes look to good on her, them shorts were HUGGING them curves.

"So what was your life like before rapping?" She asked me which snapped me out of my trance

" You know what I ain't never have no female ask me that" She looked at me with a shocked face

"Are you serious?" I nodded and she sat up and crossed her legs

"I mean obviously in the interviews they gon want to ask you shit like that but I've never had someone genuinely wanted to know about my life because these bitches out here only want to know about how much money you make or a way to get in the lime light" I shrugged but I could tell she knew what I meant

" But to answer your question, I had a hard life growing up especially living in the east side or Harlem shit wasn't always roses ya heard. My pops was a very strict dude, during my childhood years we were expected to clean Saturday's and you know bring in A's and B's bring anything lower than that that was ya ass" I chuckled a little bit and she did the same

" He wanted to make sure we got our education because we lived in East Harlem plus my pops was in the street life and he didn't want us to be in all that even tho I had peoples who were into that shit. Honestly he kept me on the straight and narrow throughout high school, now my momma she's my soul, I love that women. I remember waking up in the mornings on weekends hearing her listen to old school music and the house smelling like Caribbean and Spanish food"

" After high school did you stay in Harlem or did you go to college?" She asked

"Yeah I left Harlem and went to B-more for college plus I was playing ball hoping I could get in the league but since I was older and didn't have that structure for my father since I was on my own I fucked around and got caught up in that life, you know being in crips and selling allat and one night I got into with police and I was sent to jail. So instead of being on campus learning new stuff, walking past pretty broads, and playing ball. I was behind the pen serving for my actions and I knew right there I fucked up my opportunities."

" I mean I understand the opportunity you had with basketball but isn't being a rapper another opportunity though? Yeah you couldn't get a job at the moment you got out but look at you now" she laid her head on my shoulder

"When you say it like that I guess that's true but it was a little more than jail that influenced me. It was my struggle and the people around me who made me want to rap, don't get me wrong I was writing raps since I was 12/13 but they were about having money and cars but about 5 years ago I started storytelling in my music because there muhfuckas out there that can relate. Shit and what kept me even more grounded to get my music up was my homie and my religion" she looked at me puzzled

"What is your religion?" Damn this girl is tryna learn everything

"You super nosey you know that" I chuckled and she rolled her eyes

"I'm nosey because I want to know about my quote on quote best friend's life well screw you" she got off of me but I pulled her back

"I'm fucking with you relax ma but anyways I'm Muslim" she laid back on me

"That's dope, have you always been Muslim or did you convert?" I was kinda taken back by her response because people put her be hella ignorant when I tell them about the religion and think it's all radical when it isn't

"Well when I was in prison, I had a big homie who I fucks with in there and he was fully Muslim but he was a solid dude and I noticed how he was come cool collected. He prayed everyday and stayed leveled and that's what I wanted to do and the religion itself kept me for going off the rails when I got out. It was kinda like when I was in high school how my dad was on my back and every time I was think to do something crazy I thought about him and made the right decision. So that's what if feels like when I'm about to make bad decisions and shit I think about allah and try to make better decisions"

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