Chapter 6

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       Hey you guys I know I keep apologizing about being late with updates but please keep your patience with me. A lot is happening in life right now that get's in the way with me updating puts me in writer's block but I do appreciate the love and I'll update when I can but for now enjoy chapter 6 and I'll try to put chapter 7 up to night as well. 

Love you guys and thanks


"I'm cool with the way you look" After he said that I didn't know whether to say thank you or punch him because at first he came at me about my weight so what made him change his mind

"It sure didn't seem like that when we had our little confrontation a couple of weeks ago" I scoffed and rolled my eyes

"Look ma I apologize for what I said, I don't know why I even came at you like that because I wouldn't want any nigga to come at my little girl like that." He rubbed the back of his neck in discomfort as if it was awkward to say sorry

"You really don't apologize to people like that huh?" I chuckled a little

"Nah I usually don't apologize to girls to be honest" He shrugged

"Well I accept your apology so don't worry about apologizing to me anymore" The waiter came by with our check and as soon as I reached to pay, Dave stopped me and dropped $100 bill on the table

"Alright y'all ready to go?" We all nodded and got out of the booth, Chris and Jen walked in front while me and Dave followed behind

Right before we got to the front doors of the restaurant I stopped Dave so I can let him know that he didn't have to show any chivalry especially if he didn't want to, I don't like pity parties.

"You know you didn't have to pay right? Like you and Chris didn't order anything but drinks and if that was to be even about the whole situation just know I-" He cut me off by putting his finger against my lips

"Baby girl it ain't even like that, I'm just trying to be nice. I ain't that much of an ass, let's just leave the past in the past and lets focus on the future" A future? the fuck does he mean by future

"What future?" All he did was flash his pearly whites and lick his lips, damn all I felt was a tingly feeling in my stomach

"Oh trust me you gonna see a lot more of this face baby, you about to have a whole new bestfriend besides ya home girl. So pass your phone over and let me put my number in it" he held out his hand waiting for me

"How do you know if I want you as a friend? you just assuming I'm extra chill with you or something" I was being hard on him because he has to prove that I can actually be cool with him

"Girl if you don't give me ya damn phone" He rolled his eyes and I held it out for him, He grabbed it and typed in his number then gave it back to me

"I already sent a text to myself, so I expect a text later aight" I gave him a quick look like excuse me nigga who is you

"Bruh you one hard headed ass girl but that's alright that means more of a challenge for us to be officially cool" He held the door open for me and I walked out first while he followed behind. We met up with Jen and Chris on the side of the building, they were up close to each other and laughing about who knows what

"Alright y'all I'm ready to go" I spoke up and broke their little connection. Jen grabbed off my hand and brought me to the side

"Before we leave Chris was talking about how he and Dave had another club appearance but it's in Las Vegas and he was saying that we should go" Jen said excitedly but she knows we have a lot of work going on and a vacation is the last thing on my mind

"I mean you could go but you know I have a tight schedule with preparing for this Tarte Expo and these events" I'm really not trying to go out and be embarrassed again I refuse and I wasn't kidding

"Please Y/n I promise we won't go through what we went through with Mr.Smooth over here, Y'all cool now so I don't see the problem" She smiled hard knowing that I couldn't object so I sighed heavily

"Ughhh I really need to learn how to tell your ass how long are we gonna be there?" I crossed my arms as she did a little happy dance

" Well he's saying 5 days 4 nights and we don't have to worry about a hotel because he's paying for us to go. He also said that he has another job for us so it won't be all fun and games so consider this as a working vacation. We leave in 2 days so that should be enough to pack what you need" I have to say I'm impressed but I'm also worried because we barely know them but at the same time I need a little me time at the pool so why not take an all paid expense trip.

"Okay but I swear to god if there is any funny business, my ass will be on the first flight back home and at that point you have a choice to come with me or stay" I warned her and she nodded

"Alright let's go" We walked back to Jen's car where the guys leaning on it waiting for us

"So what y'all about to get into?" Chris hooked his arms over both our shoulders

"Shit we aint have nothing to do but go out to brunch" Jen looked up at him

"Would y'all like to tag along to a studio session?" Me and Jen looked at each other, Shit if Chris is going to make a new song in front of me I'll never turn down a chance to see him make magic in person

"We're down" I said smiling and Jen agreed

Me and Jen were fed and now we had some entertainment for a while so we were satisfied with had our little outing turned 

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