Chapter 1

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Draco -

I looked down at the letter in my hands. Head boy. After everything, they made me head boy??? I rolled my eyes and continued putting my art supplies in my small dorm shelf. Then, I heard a voice.



I stalked out to the common room. Her eyes widened when she saw me. "Malfoy? They made you head boy?" She asked with a slightly annoyed tone. "Yeah." I said. Really I was too distracted by her. She looked so different. Her brown curls laid softly and her eyes looked darker than they used to.

But like me, her past is darker than it used to be too.

"Well, I suppose we should at least be civil." Granger huffed as she went to her room.


We avoided each other as much as possible. Honestly, I was fine with it. I'd been spending a lot of time crying. Alone. I had no one to talk to.

Blaise, Theo, and Pansy all left me.

My father got thrown into Azkaban.

My mother stayed in her room all day and didn't even say goodbye when I left for school.

Maybe it was my fault. 


Hermione -

When I saw Malfoy I was shocked. I can't believe they made him head boy. Definitely a brave choice. A lot of people will be upset.

Luckily Harry and Ron wouldn't be attending this year. They would have a fit about me sharing a common room and bathroom with Malfoy.

At breakfast the next day, I sat next to Ginny. We'd gotten so much closer and it was great to finally have a girl to talk to. "Guess who head boy is! Draco Malfoy!" I told her.


"Ginny shush. It's not that big of a deal. We're just avoiding each other. We barely even spoke." I whispered.

"I just can't believe it! He looks so dashing this year! I mean yes I have Harry, but I'm not going to lie." The red head said with a sly smile.

I play punched her arm and that's when I saw him. Malfoy walked in alone. What happened to his group? He sat down at the end of the Slytherin table and sipped some tea.

He looks so alone.

Secretly I felt bad for him. He was forced to be the person he became. I always felt that under his hard shell, he was soft.


I went about my classes that day and looked for Malfoy in all my class. We only had Potions together.

In every class he sat alone. Usually fidgeting with his silver rings.


Back at the common room, Malfoy was studying. "Studying on only the first day?" I asked. He looked up at me. His eyes were slightly puffy. Without making eye contact, he said "I fell behind last year. With... everything that happened..."

As if possessed, I said "I could help you out." Finally looking in my eyes he said "Really? After the hell I put you through?"

His grey eyes looked broken. Like a heart that had been torn apart.

"Yes Malfoy."


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