Chapter 4

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Draco -

I'd never felt more vulnerable. I was never allowed to be as a child and teenager. I'd already had a lifetime of experiences in almost 2 decades.

"Draco?" I whispered. I loved the way the r rolled off her tongue. Not even my own mother called me Draco anymore.

"Thank you Hermione." I said as I nuzzled my face into her neck.

"I'm here for you. I'll never leave." She whispered into my ear as she wrapped her "mudblood" arm around my chest.

I'm sorry.


Hermione and I ended up falling asleep there. I woke up first and watched as the sun rose. She was worth living for. These moments. With the warm sun. These are the things worth living for.

We went about our classes like normal, but this time we acted nicer to each other. We talked in class and even worked really well on a potion together.

At lunch, I sat with her and Wea-...Ginny. A lot of people stared. The former death eater sitting with 1/3 of the golden trio, and the boy who lived's girlfriend. Surprisingly, we all got along pretty well.

"Oh shut up Draco. Gryffindor is definitely going to beat Slytherin at the match this weekend." Ginny sneered. I rolled my eyes and secretly agreed with her. Ever since I quit, our team turned to shit.


Slowly, I started to feel more like myself. Not the bad parts, but the good ones. The part of me that liked to laugh and joke.

But still I couldn't shake the feeling that Hermione only hung out with me out of pity.

I'm not worthy of her love.


Hermione -

Ever since that night in the astronomy tower, I started talking with Draco more. At first, I just felt bad for him, but after the first day, I genuinely enjoyed spending almost all day with him.

When we touched, I felt fireworks going off in my heart and I just felt so happy whenever I saw him laugh or smile. I wore his ring everyday. People whispered about it. They made up rumors, but we didn't pay any attention to it. It's was just me and him.

Honestly, we were becoming best friends.


"Hermione?" Draco asked during one of our tutoring sessions. "I'm really glad you found me that night." I smiled at him and put my hand on his.

"Of course Draco. I'm your friend. We aren't the same people we used to be."

I played with the ring on my finger. Draco noticed and said "Can I see that?" I slipped it off and placed it into his palm.

He mumbled a spell and gave it back to me. Draco engraved something into it in small letters

Hermione + Draco


Hi lovelies! I hope you liked this chapter! This is prob going to be short cuz it's my first one. 20 chapters max, but 10 chapters minimum. Please vote and comment! ❤️

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