Chapter 7

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Draco -

"Ronald! He's making such a big deal about me going to the ball with you!" Hermione ranted. She ran towards me and wrapped me into a hug. I rested my head on top of hers. "It's okay. Who cares what The wea - er Ron says about it?" I whispered. I stroked her hair and said "C'mon let's go to potions."


"Lovely, everyone is here! You'll be making amortentia today!" Professor Slughorn announced. I looked over at Hermione who was already gathering ingredients.

We finished really fast and took turns smelling it.

"Um, I smell expensive cologne, green apples, and coffee." Hermione said with a blush. "That's ridiculous, I've never even eaten a green apple!" I widened my eyes "How have you never had a green apple before?! They're only the best fruit, no food ever! You have to try one when we get back to the common room." I teased.

"Whatever. Just smell it." She said with a giggle. I leaned in and inhaled. "I smell uh, paper, roses, and ink." Oh Merlin. I'm smelling Hermione.

Luckily, Slughorn came to the rescue and dismissed us. Trying to avoid my dilemma, I said "If I didn't know any better I think you smelled me." I smirked at the blushing girl. "Oh shut up! I did not! Besides you're the one who smelled me!" She said with a huff.

Just to mess with her I said "Maybe I did."

"Oh?" She said with a smile. 

I smirked at her and shrugged. Laughing, we went back to the dorm.


The next day, I got up late. Luckily, all classes had been cancelled, so we could have a fun day getting ready for the dance. I went out to the common room to find Hermione staring at the fire. "You okay darling?" She whipped her head around and her face softened. "Yeah, I'm just thinking about the ball. I have no idea what Ron will do. Even if I can't stand him sometimes, I don't want to lose him as a friend."

"Everything will be okay Hermione. If he tries to pull anything, I'll be there." I said.  She beamed at me and said "Thanks. I'm going to go to get ready with Ginny. No peeking, I'm going to bring my dress with me!" I went back to my room and waited for "Bye Draco!" Before I came back out.

I looked at the dark mark and tried to think of ways to hide it. I decided that muggle makeup would be the best idea. But who would have that? Probably Hermione, but her skin is darker than my practically white skin.



Hi! Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter, I wanted to leave it on a bit of a cliff hanger 😉

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