Chapter 2

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Draco -

For weeks, after ignoring each other all day, Granger and I studied together every evening. It was almost as if the cold attitude we had towards each other was just an act.

"So does that make sense?" She asked. "Yeah thanks." I said with a smile.

A genuine smile. Not a smirk. Not a fake smile. Something real.

As I was writing, I could feel her looking at me. "I like your rings. Especially that one." She mumbled. She pointed at the ring on my right middle finger.

It was silver with a green gem on it. A snake wrapped around the jewel like it was holding it in place.



That night, I stood in the bathroom after my shower. I was shirtless and just wearing sweatpants. I looked at the dark mark on my arm.

It was covered in old cut marks. I used to cut myself. To make the mark go away. But once I came to Hogwarts I stopped. I didn't know why, but I felt like I didn't need to.

That's when I heard the door open.


Hermione -

Malfoy and my tutoring became fun. At first it was awkward, but soon enough we started having a good time.

He really seemed to be a different person. He never insulted me or called me mudblood. We only teased each other, but always in a friendly way.

Lost in thought, I opened the bathroom door to take off my makeup. "Malfoy!" I exclaimed when I saw him. He was shirtless. His muscles looked defined. I could feel my face getting hot. "Sorry." I muttered.

"It's okay." Malfoy said as he shut the door. As he did so, I caught a glance at his arm. The dark mark. The thing that ruined his life.

"Malfoy?" I asked from the other side of the door. "Yes?" He replied.

"I was wondering about your mark..."

Silence. All I could hear was him rustling around.

He opened the door. This time fully dressed. He was wearing a t shirt, so I could see the mark.

"It's fine Granger. I'm fine. Mind your own bloody business!" He snapped.

"Sorry Malfoy..."


Draco -

No one could know. I can't let anyone in. They'll only get hurt. I spent years building my wall. And slowly, Granger had been able to take it down.

But that night I had my realization. I have to keep my wall up. To protect her. I don't want her and I to get close to me, just for her to get hurt. I wouldn't be able to live with it.

Pathetic. Letting Granger get to you. You're a coward.


I couldn't sleep. Our conversation just played on my head over and over again. I looked at the silver ring on my nightstand. The green glimmered in the moonlight.

I knew what I needed to do.


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