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5000 Years Before the Story Begins

The Empire stood high as the moon shined on the Capital as a massive army was hastily preparing themselves for battle as some of them were sweating in fear as the sounds of men screaming in the distance pierced the quiet atmosphere as dark clouds in the distance emitted powerful lightning strikes that shook the Earth itself.

Armies of more than 3000 men each were all fighting to make progress towards a kingdom by the name of Kahn'daq but what they didn't expect was an unknown individual to be wiping them out. A scouting party was sent to kill the king of this nation so they can get their hands on the resources but this man stood in their way and killed them without hesitation. Eventually, the man took the fight to them and wiped out almost half of the Empire itself as a warning to those who threaten his city.

Enraged, The Emperor sent his army to kill the man and the Imperial Army marched out against him which led to an all out war as the man showed feats that no one should be capable of. He lifted massive rocks and hurled them at the army, flew at speeds that no one can comprehend and summoned lightning from his fingertips. Over 6575 lives have been claimed by this man in the course of one night as the Emperor continued to send more soldiers to kill this man.

From his throne, The Emperor looked through his window as he saw beyond the hills where his army was heading towards as he spotted massive lightning strikes from heavens hit the ground and caused a slight rumble as he heard the faint cries of his men as their blood coated the ground.

A man was hovering in the air as he awaited for the oncoming army to approach as lightning streaked from his body as a glowing lightning emblem glowed furiously to match his anger as his hooded cloak shielded his face as it flapped in the wind as storm clouds swirled above the area.

"There he is! Fire your arrows!" A General cried out as the bowmen fired their weapons but it did no good as most snapped in half and none did no significant damage whatsoever as the man glared at them with hatred before his hand shot out and lightning shot from his hand as he vaporized the army in broad sweeps before he roared and flew forward as bodies bursted like water balloon against his indestructible form.

Lightning erupted from his body as they streaked and ricocheted through hundreds of bodies as they turned to ash immediately as the ground beneath their feet caved in and a long trench followed the flying man's rampage as bodies laid on the Mother Earth as the man made his way to the Capital.

Flying at supersonic speeds, he obliterated anyone who stood in his way as the earth left massive dust trails in his wake as the storm intensified immensely as lightning streaked all over the place as the citizens of the Capital ran for cover as lightning struck buildings and toppled them over like they were dominos.

The Emperor saw the man was obliterating his army like it was nothing as he sweated drastically before he ran for cover just as the door to his throne room was torn open forcefully as his guards immediately attacked the intruder as the man ripped a guard in half before blitzing through the others and grabbed the Emperor by his neck and lifted him up.

"P-Please!" The Emperor begged as he looked at the dark face that was shielded by the hooded cloak but his eyes glowed blue with electricity as he flew out until he was above the entire Capital and he had their Emperor in his hand as the citizens of the Capital looked up at their leader in horror.

"No please!"

"Put him down!"


The man heard these insults and his grip tightened around the Emperor's throat to the point where he couldn't breathe anymore as lightning suddenly erupted from the man's fist as the Emperor screamed in pain as the electricity burned his skin and precious amounts of blood fell to the ground before his body was burned to a skeleton and the man crushed it underneath his fingers as the citizens screamed in horror before they began running away from the flying man.

Savior or Destroyer?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora