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                             Starting over
"Coming!" I shouted as I shoved the rest of my things into a box to put into the moving truck.
Hey yall, My name is Myla but my mom calls bc me cookie because of the cookie addiction that I developed at the ripe age of 12.
My family and I are now moving out of the house we lived in to get a fresh start. I know you're probably thinking "whats the reason behind that?"
Well... My father and my mother had a great marriage, picture perfect actually. That was up until my dad started to develop a gambling addiction, became an alcoholic and a raging drug addict.
We tried our best to get him help, but one night after driving home from the bar, he got into a crash and sadly didn't make it.
My mom tried her best to be there for us but we knew how depressed she really was, so we talked about a change of scenery and now here we are.

                »»————- ♡ ————-««
"So what do you guys think about us moving?", my mom asked as she tried hard to make conversation
"I think it might be a great opportunity to start fresh and make new friends", I replied
"What about you Leo?" My mom asked, trying to start conversation with my little brother
"IDK" he replied as he put in his AirPods and listened to his music.
After that the whole car fell silent and sooner or later I drifted off to sleep thinking about how long this car ride was going to be.
                   2 hours later
I woke up to the sound of Tems playing on the radio and noticed my stomach starting to growl.
I turned to look at Leo who was playing Roblox.
"Hey mom, can we stop for something to eat? Im too hungry" I asked as my mom nodded her head to the song.
"Sure, where do you guys want to go?" She asked me and my brother
"What are the options?" We both replied
"Ok so we have zaxby's, checkers and cane's" my mom said as she listed the options
After a heated discussion with my little brother, we finally decided on Cane's.
After we all finished eating, we proceeded to engage in an ear killing moment of family karaoke.
To be continued..

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